Chapter Six

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I hate airplanes, I really do. And spending 8 hours on a plane in between a man who snores and a screaming baby was not my idea of fun. Ms. Richmond found me the cheapest seat in the cheapest airline because she wanted me in California the next day at the latest so I could start reporting. The only thing I would be able to report is jet lag. I made my way off the airplane, clutching my carry on and purse. I was already sweating in my jeans and lime green tank top. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun, wishing I was back in slightly cold New York. I saw a sign with my name written on it and walked towards the man holding it. He had on a gray baseball cap and sunglasses even though he was inside.

“Emma Knightly?” He asked in a familiar voice.

“Liam?” I asked.

“Shh!” he said looking around. “I don’t want any of the fans to know I’m here. Harry and Claire sent me to pick you up.” I nodded and followed him through the airport. Finally we arrived at his car, a big black jeep. He opened the door for me and I got in. He went around to the other side and started the car. He took off his hat and sunglasses.

“Do you have to wear that every time you go outside?” I asked.

“Pretty much, unless I want to be swarmed by millions of girls. Most of the time I don’t mind it but my wife hates it.” He laughed and I joined in. I noticed a gold wedding band on his finger for the first time.

“How long?” I asked.

“Is this going to be in your article? I don’t really want my marriage in the press.”

“No of course not.”

“Almost 4 years.”

“That’s great.”

“I think you’re the first female who wasn’t related to me to tell me that.” I smiled.

“This is probably a personal question but you live in England don’t you? Why aren’t you there with your family?”

“That’s where the other boys are actually we’re taking turns going there and then coming back to keep Harry company. I go back next week and then Louis comes out. Claire is a complete monster about this wedding and we figured at least one of us should be there to help him through it.”

“How so?”

“She wants everything perfect and she wants to have the wedding in 3 weeks. He proposed only last month she they don’t have a lot of time.”

“Wow. Why?” Liam turned to get out of the heavy L.A traffic and shrugged.

“She has a big fashion show she wants to be ready for in Milan.” I nodded and looked out the window at the buildings. I missed New York already.

“But anyways how about you? You’re probably married.”

“No not yet.” I said with the same forced smile I used every time when someone said that.

“You’ll find someone.” He said. I very highly doubt it, I thought.

The hotel was huge that Harry and Claire and Liam were staying at. I walked in, staring at the vastness of it all. It was a huge 4 story brown adobe looking building with outdoor seating arrangements and thousands of green plants. I could hear the ocean nearby if I listened hard.

“I never quite get used to it.” Liam said walking beside me. Harry and Claire were waiting in the lobby.

Claire was the typical model, shiny brown hair, big brown eyes, stick thin wearing designer clothes. She gave me The Look as soon as I walked in. The Look was what I called the look every model gave another woman as soon as she walked into the room. Her eyes scanned over me quickly and then, obviously pleased with what she saw, she plastered the ‘victory over keeping her title as most beautiful thing in the room’ smile on her face.

“Hello.” I said as I walked up. “I’m Emma Knightly from Fashion Forward. I’m here to observe the wedding process.” Claire seemed slightly taken aback at my outstretched hand and she shook it delicately.

“Claire Daniels. Soon to be Claire Styles.” She laughed at her own joke and her and Harry smiled at each other. I looked at Liam, he was openly rolling his eyes and I couldn’t blame him.

“Well if you’ll let me check in and get settled. I’ll come back around…” I looked at my watch. “3 to interview you and Harry about the engagement.”I said. They nodded and I moved off and checked in. I made my way to my room and unlocked it. My room was huge, it had a bathroom, a kitchen, and two double bed for when Elsie came out later. I put down my things and then flopped down on the bed. I could get used to this, I thought. 

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