Chapter Seven

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“So how exactly did Harry propose to you?” I asked.I had my prewritten questions in one hand and my notepad in the other.

We were sitting in the lobby where they had a small area with couches so we could have some privacy. I had changed into tan shorts and strappy sandals but was still sweating slightly. Claire looked like the heat didn’t even bother her while Liam and Harry were drinking glasses of water faster than they could be refilled.

“Oh it was amazing! We were in Paris and were just walking when he suddenly knelt down and pulled out a ring!” She showed me the giant diamond on her finger. I nodded and smiled, writing down the events.

“Were you nervous?” I asked Harry. Whatever feelings I may have had for him didn’t matter; right now I was all business.

“No. I knew she would say yes.” He and Claire  smiled at each other and then leaned in to kiss each other. I looked at Liam.

“Gag Me.” He mouthed and I tried to hide my giggle.

“How does this affect the band?” I asked Liam.

“Well we’re all taken now so I imagine most of our female fans aren’t happy but as long as we’re all happy it doesn’t matter.”

I asked a few more questions and watched Harry and Claire. Most of the time she didn’t even let him talk, she would jump in and answer for him and just talk louder over him until he stopped talking entirely. For his credit he didn’t get angry, his eyes just flicked to Liam in annoyance and then focused back on Claire. By time I finished the interview it was late in the day. Claire and Harry left to go to a restaurant in town while I stayed with Liam. I watched them walk off.

“They seem happy.” I said, not knowing what else to say.

“I guess so. The monster was calm today; you missed the big fight yesterday.”Liam replied.

“Do they fight often?”

“No it was me and her. She was telling me to do something and I said no. She wasn’t very happy after that.”

“Oh.” I said, suddenly lost for words. Liam’s phone rang and he excused himself and left. I picked up my things and left to go work on my article.


Feel free to comment, I'd love to know how the story is so far

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