→chapter one←

161 9 31

i owe it all to you flyingunicorns_ <3

3rd person p.o.v

'it's now or never.' he gulped, thinking to himself.

taking a deep breath with his hand on his chest, he slowly walked into the perpetual hell we're all accustomed with as school.

he attempted to focus solely on the thundering of his heartbeat and the pleasant melody trumpeting in his ears; not the disparaging stares and whispers that besiege him. he didn't need another anxiety attack, not now, not here, not ever.

accelerating his pace, he progressed quickly to the direction of his first class and entered as quietly as possible with his head down.

he stumbled all the way to his assigned seat that was practically calling out for him, begging to be reunited with it's only owner. he sighed, eyes not failing to miss the new curse words that had been carved into his desk.

'maybe it'll be different this time?'

'maybe they've all forgotten?'

he told himself pathetically whilst intentionally ignoring the many gazes wandering all over his frail physique.

he held his breath, putting his music onto the max volume to drown out the whispers of his classmates and his own thoughts that betray him.

he lay his head down on the desk and closed his eyes, feeling his heartbeat finally return to normal.

if the rest of the school year just continues on like this then it'll all be okay, right? he's fine being the invisible outcast.

though, all good things must come to an end somehow.

he suddenly gasped, sitting up immediately feeling his headphones get ripped out of his grasp.

he froze.

eyes widened, he held his breath as he felt his chest and throat tighten.

he instantly shrunk under the strong gaze upon him, starting to slightly shake uncontrollably in his seat.

it's him.

unknown p.o.v

i thrusted the classroom door open with my foot, smirking at everyone's suddenly sealed lips and jaws agape at my presence. i live for the horror in their eyes.

i lick my lips, chuckling to myself heartily. time for a new toy?

i browse over the classroom, eyes automatically fixating onto a particular someone. i found myself suddenly feeling very much intrigued by the so very person who didn't even notice me.

the corner of my lips tug up further when i realise who it is, it's him. the one and only, the outcast, the mute, park jimin.

exhalations of relief and concern could even be heard for the poor boy, as it was rather apparent who my next scapegoat was.

scoffing at his appearance, i finally turn my head and glare at some bitch at the front of the class. panic being manifest in her eyes, she nodded shakily as she knew what she had to do.

without hesitation, she stood up and grasped her chair with her petite hands, taking it over to where the outcast sat. her pretty bottom lip quivering, she set the chair in front of his desk so that it was opposite him.

she turned to me slowly with her gaze fixated on the floor, exactly how i like it.

what a good girl.

i stepped closer to her, planting my finger under her chin and gently pushing her head up to meet my gaze. she squirmed slightly, making me only smile wider.

her frail figure was trembling imperceptibly as she was forced to make eye contact with me, pupils shaking. i retreated my hand and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"get out of my sight."

she nodded vigorously and stumbled back over to her desk, the student beside her silently handing her another chair to use for herself.

clicking my tongue, i wandered up to where the outcast was and sat down on the newly placed chair. i cupped my face and leaned over the desk, analysing him.

i scoffed taking in his appearance and outfit from what was visible to me.

what a boring boy.

i jerked the headphones out of his ears, not bothering to watch them drop to the floor, my eyes being too engrossed in examining the features that he's always been so intent on hiding.

his eyes belatedly opened and broadened when he saw our close proximity.

i can't deny it, he has a gorgeous face, just like a pretty doll. but what joy would it be to just leave it like that without adding my own few touches to it?

a little marks here and there would make him even more extravagant!

i found myself subconsciously grinning at the notion of hurting him.

park jimin p.o.v

i'm fucking terrified.

jeon jungkook?


why me?

i don't know what is happening nor do i know why he's here or what he wants.

i attempted to look behind him and at my other classmates, none of them daring to take their eyes off of us as expected.

no, you fools!

you're feeding into his power!

this is exactly what he wants.. we're all just dolls in his circus, and he's the puppeteer.

why do we always inevitably fall into his trap?

"look at me." he demanded, snapping me out of my reverie with his lips, the so very thing of mine i wish i had control of at this moment.

although short, each word rolled gracefully off of his tongue, making me give in to the desire of combining our gazes.

he smiled haughtily. "what a pliant, obedient little boy you are.." he whispered quietly, as if to lend his utterances an added confidentiality.

tilting his head to the side, he suddenly leaned even closer.

"oh baby.." he said amorously, sending shivers down my spine. "you're such a ludicrous, little boy.

and now you're all mine."

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