Chapter Four

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"You what?!"

"Geez, Bri could you be any louder?" I snap, elbowing her in the side during our Philosophy class.

Bri scoffs and turns, looking at me. "I'm sorry. My best friend just told me that she slept with the Prince of  England."

I blush and shake my head, glancing over at our professor, seeing him continue to write on the board.

"Yes, it happened. I'll probably never see him again. It was literally just a one time thing." I tell her.

Bri grabs my hand, looking me in the eye. "Rhett, you lost your virginity to this man. To the fucking prince. If he doesn't call you,  I'll storm that palace and beat his royal ass."

Laughing, I pull my hand away from her and continue writing my notes. "No way. I don't have time for a relationship and I'm not even sure if I want one. Especially with a prince."

Bri raises her brow, sitting back in her chair, her pen and notepad forgotten on her desk. "Well, shit. I mean, I know you've said that before but, Rhett. What's so bad about him? He's hot as hell, rich as hell, and royal as hell."

"First of all, no." I say, laughing. "Money isn't why I would date someone, you know that."

"Yeah, I do. But honey, you need to get out. How long has it been since you hung out with anyone besides me?" Bri asks.

I pause, my pencil dropping to the desk as my brows furrow. "Uhm..I don't know. I don't really know anyone else. Or want to know anyone else."

"And how long has it been since you dated?"

At that, I shake my head and look at her. "High school. With Zach. And it ended bad. Again, you know this."

Bri sighs and nods, rubbing my arm as she leans back. "I know, and I'm sorry. But I just want you to be happy."

I nod and continue writing my notes, no longer interested in the conversation.

Once class was over, we head back over to my place and I grab my phone off of the charger when we get inside. I bring it over to the couch and plop down next to Bri.

"So, I was looking online and guess frickin' what?"

I look over at her and shrug, adjusting my hoodie. "What?"

She shows me her laptop and she's pulled up a news feed about Prince William. I continue looking at the screen and I raise my brows to look at her. "What am I looking at?"

Bri sighs and places the laptop down on her lap, balancing it on her legs as she rests her feet on my coffee table. "Well, if you had read on, it says that the Prince's birthday is next week. I wonder what could happen." she says, sending me one of her ugly winks.

I roll my eyes and toss a throw pillow at her. "Nothing is going to happen."

Bri pauses and I watch as she picks up my phone from the couch. "Then..why is he calling you right now?"

"What?!"  I exclaim. I reach over and snatch my phone, looking at the screen and blinking as the words William (Prince You Fucked) flash, along with a picture of him smiling that I actually found kind of cute.

I answer the phone and put it to my ear, glancing over at Bri. "Did you really put that as your name on my phone?" I ask. "No, scratch that. Why is your number in my phone?" I demand.

William chuckles on the other end. "I thought it was quite amusing. And I put my number in your phone because I knew I'd have to contact you. Speaking of which, could you please come outside?"

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