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Third person p.o.v~

As Duncan kissed Kim for the last time the room went silent as Kim's boady split into two. One white ghostly body and a flux infected one (simalar to her minecraft skin) Duncan picked up the ghostly body and Rythian the flux.

10 years later~

Kim's (ghostly)p.o.v~

My white dress flowing to the ground makes me smile. The only thing that makes me different from my original form is the fact my skin is paler AND glows. My hair is still jet black though and i am glad i just hope that "I" don't show up and rewin my own wedding. I can't belive that my flux version would go round flirting with Rythian. Maybe i've always liked him? NO she has a plan i dont know which is worse, her likeing Rythian or her using him! Wooow that was mean Kim. Dont say that dont! "Kim?" Turning around i see her "Hannah!" I give her a hug "im glad you could make it Hannah." "Me too."

Kim's (flux) p.o.v~

"Rythian please" "WHAT KIM! WHAT!?!?" I feel my eyes fill with tears "never mind" i say sobbing and running out the room "Kim" i hear him call after me but i just run to my room and sit on the bed. Sophia teleporting in "mum? Whats wrong?" "Ow nothing dear im just not feeling well" she cant know "mum you seem to forget i can read your mind. What cant i know?" That Duncan and "ghosty" are getting married and hundreds of search parties are out looking for me and Rythian. Because Rythian has the magic to do the spell and they want to join me back with "ghosty" to make "Kim" again. Obviously she read my mind. You can tell by her facial expression that she now knows. Great. "No no no we have to go now then if they are looking for us!!" "I tried talking to your dad but he won't listen Sophia im sorry"


Sorry i wrote something and it diddnt upload so i had to re-write it and its diffrent but one the same lines plus more ditail so if you can be botherd tell me what you think in the comments any ideas? Cos i dont

1:55AM wow its late yes im British (same as the yogscast)

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