Hey guys

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First of all, this is my book and I play by my rules. I am writing this for me, because I need to tell someone. And maybe this won't make sense to you, but that's okay because I'm just happy you found the time for me and my thoughts. Also this is basically me writing a journal.

Things you might like to know
1. There is nothing really special about me.
2. Writing down my thoughts are new to me.
3. My idols are everything to me, and that have saved me from myself so many times.
4. I love watching tv shows
- Glee
- Friends
- Modern family
5. I love local history and think it's really interesting to read/listen to.
6. Acting and moviemaking is my passion.
7. I'm a nerd, and I love things like Harry Potter and Sherlock.
8. I would say I'm a music geek, but I still don't play any instruments.
9. Ross is my favorite character in Friends.
10. I'm not a book worm, I'm a book dragon.
11. I have a weird obsession with bow ties.
12. I want to tell the truth about myself to more people.

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