Act Two

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"...and that's how I found out that those two were dating."

It was a week later and Willow sat at a cafe table across from Wigfrid, recounting the story to her friend. Although it was getting late soon, the two women made plans to meet up here and chat. Work had kept them busy and they hadn't been able to see each other earlier. Willow had been looking forward to their next meeting, and made small talk with her friend now to try to keep her mind off of the heart that was drumming away in her chest right now. Whether it was from excitement at seeing her or nervousness, she couldn't tell. Maybe it was both. Maybe it was something entirely different. Who knew?

"No. Fucking. Way." Wigfrid's eyes widened and she burst out laughing. "That's got to be the funniest thing I've ever heard!"

"You're telling me!" Willow chuckled and stirred the tea in the cup in front of her.

"So you're telling me that Maxwell took the 'fuck you' flowers you gave me and gave them to your brother, his boyfriend , as a romantic gift? Oh my god. That's wild. Did you at least tell him what they meant?"

Willow nodded. "Needless to say, he wasn't too happy to hear it. I wonder what Maxwell has to say about it, too, because I don't doubt Wilson told him what they meant."

"That's what I was thinking." Wigfrid took a sip of her coffee. "Are they doing okay now? Oh gods, I hope I didn't mess up their relationship."

"You didn't. As far as I know, they're doing fine." Willow shrugged. "I did hear him arguing with someone on the phone shortly after, but they've likely made up by now. And on that note, I may bring Wilson to a full version of your play once it's out."

"Oh, really?" Wigfrid smiled. "Aww, that's nice."

"Yeah, just don't take it personally if we step out of the room for a few minutes or leave early." Willow sighed. "Wilson's on the spectrum and he can't handle loud noises or super bright lights for very long."

"Ohh. That's okay!" The redhead waved it off. "I'm just flattered that you're bringing someone else to my show." She raised an eyebrow. "Forgive me if I'm hitting a nerve here, but is it hard looking after him because he's got...?"

"Autism?" Willow finished. "You can say it, it's not a bad word or anything. But no, not at all. He could live on his own if he wanted to, but we decided it would be easier on our bank accounts if we shared rent. We get along just fine, so it's really quite nice, to be honest." She chuckled to lighten the mood.

"Ah. I see." Wigfrid took another sip of coffee. "One of my sisters has a physical disability."

"Oh?" Willow raised an eyebrow. "How many siblings do you have?"

"Seven." The redhead replied, causing her friend to choke on her tea.

"Seven!" She gasped. "Sounds like a handful! Wilson's the only one I've got, not counting our half-brother Albert, but to be honest, we haven't heard from him in a while..."

"Sorry to hear that. And they really are, but I don't have to deal with them much anymore. They're back home in Iceland."

"So that's where you're from." The florist nodded. "I see. Cool. You know, I'm glad I met you." She admitted.

"You are?" Wigfrid blushed. "I'm glad I met you, too, you know."

Willow smiled sweetly. "Seriously. I mean, it's only been a week and a half-ish, and here we are talking with you like I've known you forever. I've always wanted to have a friend like that, you know."

"Yeah. It's nice." The redhead leaned forward. "Those flowers you gave me were really nice, you know. I still have them."

The other woman flushed slightly when she remembered the one orange flower she'd slipped into the bouquet. "Seriously? I'm a bit surprised, actually."

[Don't Starve] Orange Roses [WillowFrid]Where stories live. Discover now