Chapter XVI: The Corridors of Creation

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I woke without opening my eyes, and my body felt like lead. I did not want to face them, those who had protected me, who had fought for their King. I knew that when I opened my eyes, I would find myself in my bed, surrounded by my loved ones, but I felt like a fraud. I was not the King, there must have been a mistake.

I replayed the memory of last night over and over. I opened the locket, the power flowed through me, and I failed to save Henry. I had become the King, witnessed by the host and the Generals of Light. I could not recall their names, no matter how hard I tried, but I had known them and their stories when I saw their faces.

The memory of the small boy with the teddy bear looking down at his dead family burned the brightest. I could smell the burned stuffing of the teddy bear, and I felt his grief as if it were my own. I felt a sob escape me, and I shuddered.

I curled onto my side, and when my nose touched his shoulder, I felt his radiating heat. He was here next to me, as if he wanted me to lean on him, and use his strength.

"Breathe, Danny." Michael's words were soft as he whispered in my ear. "Take your time. We are here for you when you are ready." His words calmed my racing pulse as the exhaustion once again began to drag me back under into the arms of oblivion.


When I woke up again, I felt alone. My body didn't hurt, and the sorrows of humanity no longer lingered in my bones. I cracked my eyes slightly open, and found myself comforted by warmth.

I was lying on the floor that was made from the same white otherworldly material as the kingdom where I had spoken to Eloheen. As I looked around, I was in, what seemed to be, an endless hallway. There were millions of doors along endless corridors. Many were white doors with golden script engraved on the door, while others were varnished wood, and a few within my sight were black with purple script engravings.

"Where am I?" I asked softly, and my voice echoed along the corridors as I got to my feet.

"The Corridors of Creation," that still small voice spoke. I spun around and saw him. He wore dark blue jeans with a flannel shirt, the same clothes he wore the night he died. His electric green eyes looked at me with immense love and pride.

"Dad?" I asked dumbfounded. His smile did not falter, but he shook his head.

"I am not your father, Danny," he said simply. I stared at him, but my mind couldn't process his words.

"Are you Eloheen?" My voice echoed again along the corridors as his smile grew, and he nodded.

"Yes, Danny," he said quietly. "I took this form because I knew it would bring you comfort. I thought you and I should talk, now that you know the truth." He sat on a small couch that had not been there a few moments before.

"Please, Danny, sit." He motioned, and when I looked back, there was another small couch. I moved a few steps toward him and sat down, and the space between us shrank, so we were almost knee to knee.

"Why did you choose me?" I asked before I could stop myself. "I don't understand anything that's happening, Eloheen."

"I know, Danny. That is why we are here now. I am going to tell you as much as I can. However, because of the governing force you put into place, I am limited. Please be patient with me, and understand that I am following your plan," he explained, and I nodded.

"I chose you to govern Creation because your heart was the purest out of every soul that had ever been created. You respect others, you guide them, and you help your fellow man. No one could hold a candle to you, and I knew when I formed life, you were the only true ruler." His words were calm and sweet, and everything fell quiet when he spoke. "I remember I was there when you were brought into existence, and I saw what the citizens of Creation would see. From that moment, I never believed anyone else could do it."

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