Chapter 1

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Dragonstar led most of her clan to the gathering. As they approached, Dragonstar leaped up onto the tallest rock by the other leaders. "Where is swampclan?" Gracestar mewed. "I don't know but I hope he comes on time cause it's cold." Fircestar mewed. Dragonstar sniffed a mixture of swampclan and leafclan coming in the direction of the camp. Dragonstar then saw a apprintice hop out of the trees. "What Are You Doing." Dragonstar hissed at Sappaw "s-swampclan f-foxstar uhg" the small apprintice mewed then fell the medicine cat quickly rushed over.
A cat came out behind him. Dragonstar new who it was. It was Lionstripe, the big golden warrior who was a couple moons older than her. "Dragonstar we come with bad news." He mewed "Our camp was attacked and took over by swampclan, and we'll one of our elders died from fogstar but I took one of his lifes with it."
Cats from all clans gasped. "Who?" Dragonstar mewed sadly as she thought she saw some more badly enjured
Leafclan cats coming. "Dad!" Her brother Shadowclaw me we'd as he saw a cat (Blizzardfur if I'm correct) caring Foxear by the scruff. "Honeystar died 7 moons ago and I don't know what he'd think of me." Dragonstar muttered to here self and as if her mate, Acornstripe could read her mind he jumped up and leaned against Dragonstar and mewed " we may not have a home but we have our clan."

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