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    "It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge," the opening to the tv series Twilight Zone plays in the background loudly as four friends sit around in the living room. "This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone." Mark jumps up suddenly screaming, scaring the absolute Jesus out of Jann she turns and slaps him saying how its not funny. Smiling Mark claims he was only kidding around and how she needs to relax. Jann sighs explaining how New hallows eve has been marked as the beginning of a dark time, how they shouldn't play around with such bad omens. Cristy laughs openly telling Jann to loosen up, how Mark didn't mean any harm. They all three started giggling at this statement as Josh walks in from getting popcorn asking what he missed. The doorbell rings loudly making Jann jump again. Cindy grabs the candy bowl shoving it toward her, "Alright it's your turn, and please chill out. There's no need to frighten the kids." Jann sighs walking toward the door she opens it as three small children shove their own buckets of candy toward her yelling out trick or treat. She smiles as she sees that one of the children are dressed as a Dalmatian. She puts candy into all of their bowls and states that they all are wearing great costumes. Closing the door she returns to the living room where Cristy and Mark have already started making out, she rolls her eyes sitting next to Josh. He fake yawns as he slowly out stretchs his arm across Jann's shoulder. She grabs ahold of it and tells him off, stating how it would never happen, not even in his wildest dreams and continues to watch the spooky show. The doorbell rings loudly, but doesn't frighten Jann this time. She stands up grabbing the bucket of candy and shoving it toward Mark, stating that it's his turn. He yanks the bucket away from her walking toward the door he opens it and sees a woman with a toddler in her hands dressed as a small princess. He smiles at her and the toddler stampers out, "twick owe tweat." Handing her a handful of candy he smiles at the woman, stating that he can see where she gets her cute looks from. The woman scoffs as she turns to leave. Josh sees Mark come back, almost instantly, he returns to making out with Cindy. He sighs wishing Jann was that easy. The doorbell rings and Josh stands up grabbing the bucket knowing it's now his turn to go give out candy to these ungrateful children. Opening the door there is only one child standing in front of him, and she's dressed as catwoman. She stares blankly at him for a good minute, he says, "Do you want the candy or.." She yells out trick or treat pulling out a knife stabbing him four times in the gut. His eyes grow wide feeling the blade pierce his intestines then ripped out, over and over again. Blood pours down his legs as he slumps backwards falling onto the floor with a loud thud, dropping the candy bucket alongside with him.

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