LatLiech - Prisoner

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This OneShot includes themes such as the holocaust and character death, as well as violence.

If you can't handle such themes I advise you to not read this.


He sighed. Life was just unfair and at the moment he wishes for nothing other than all of this to finally end. He's just 15 years old, he's not even an adult yet, merely a child and yet he has to deal with the confrontation of death, violence and hatred everyday. Just because he happens to be jewish. Wrong time, wrong place. His parents moved to Germany in the late 1919, around one year after their home country, Latvia, gained its independence from Russia. They saw great potential in Germany, thought that they had more chances there than they had in Latvia. And at first it seemed like that. They had their first and only child in November of 1927, that was him. Raivis. Raivis Galante. But when Hitler was voted for in 1933 everything changed, simply because they happened to be a jewish family. Why couldn't they just have been christian instead? Why didn't his parents just stay in Latvia instead? He didn't know, it was all just cruel and unfair. All of this. Ever since they were deported he didn't see his parents. He doesn't even know if they are still alive. If things would habe been different, if they would be christian or if they would live in Latvia instead, all of this would change their, or his, situation so much more. Of course, they still would be in war but he wouldn't be in such a place now.

It was the late spring of 1943, it's slowly getting warmer. He would turn 16 this November...if Raivis even lives to see that day, that is. At the moment he doesn't even know whether he lives to see the sun rise once again or not. Whether he lives to see the day when he is freed from this place.

"What am I even if we will ever be freed from this place...", he mumbled. Right now he was outside, near the seemingly endless high fence that cages him inside of this cruel and sorrowful place. He's supposed to sweep and clean here. He doesn't understand exactly why, they are outside after all so of course it's dirty out here. But Raivis better shouldn't complain, doing this is much better than to be reminded of his place or worse...dying. And he has time to think about several things while doing this. They can make him scared of voicing his thoughts, but nobody can stop him from thinking them.

His stomach growled loudly at that and he held it. They didn't get nearly enough food, other people here already even starved. All of them are treated like...dirt, like second class humans. If they are treated like humans at all. Raivis himself practically only was skin and bones by now, it was hard to actually stand still, he just doesn't have nearly enough energy to properly function. But so far he has been getting enough food to barely survive...he still is hungry and just wants to eat. Raivis then looked up and weridly enough he saw...a person, on the other side of the fence. A girl...two blonde braids are hanging down from her head and she's wearing a white sundress and a white sunhat, a sunhat with a pink ribbon tied around it. She's carrying a pink scarf with her as well. And she looked at, she even stared at him. Raivis blushed lightly, actually feeling a bit uncomfortable to have such a beautiful girl staring at him like that. He's ugly after all, being dirty, his dirty blonde hair looking all filthy and messy and having multiple bruises on his body. And let's not mention that he looks disgusting, considering how thin he is because of the lack of food. that girl even human? Maybe...maybe Raivis is dying and she's an angel. His angel. And she's there to collect him and guide him into his afterlife. Or his lack of food makes him imagine things he just wants to see.

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