LatLiech - Paper Plane

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This OneShot includes themes such as the holocaust and character death, as well as sickness.

If you can't handle such themes I advise you to not read this.


For Rachel.


She sighed. Life just was unfair and she wishes for nothing more than for this to end. She is 15 years old, not an adult yet, just a mere child and she already has to carry so many worries on her weak shoulders. Her name was Erika, Erika Zwingli. Just 15 years old and already terribly ill. Her birthday is in the middle of the summer and who knows if she will ever even be able to live up to her own 16th birthday. It's truly terrible. But if this only would be her only worry and's the late spring of the year 1943, it's in the middle of the second World War. War is hard for everyone, the sickly Erika being noexception. But that still aren't all of her worries...her big brother is one of them too.

Erika was a normal German girl, having long blonde hair, pale skin and green eyes. However, she has been an orphan since as long as she can remember. Her big brother, Sebaschtien Zwingli, and herself grew up with her grandmother but ever since she died of old age it's only the two siblings. Sebaschtien, or Basch for short, did many little jobs to be able to feed Erika and himself but ever since Erika is sick and has to be in a hospital he needs a better paying job. So Basch looked for one and found officer, a nazi officer to be exact. He has been promoted to a general recently too and Erika moved hospitals close to her brother's...workplace, just so that he can visit her regularly. 

Erika let out yet another sigh. She wasn't allowed to leave her bed, or her room, but she needs fresh air. The weather is nice at the moment too so why not take a little walk around the area? The blonde girl stood up, began to braid her hair into to braids and changed into a light white sundress and put on a sunhat, wrapping a pink ribbon around it and also taking a pink scarf with her to then leave the hospital. Most nurses and doctors she passed seemed to think she is only a visitor and let her leave without a second thought. Good for her. Basch was working at the moment too so it was her only real possibility to escape from hospital.

She took a walk around the area just like she wanted to...the grass was so green and the sky was so blue! Having spent so much time in a hospital almost made Erika forget the beauty of the nature outside...the fresh air entering her lungs also felt so very refreshing and it was just so very amazing. 'If only big brother would take such walks with me...', she thought, having her pink lips curl into a smile. Said smile however dropped when she was...smoke? Was that her brother's working place over there? Erika wasn't told details by him, of course, but this would fit the little information Basch told her and all the rumors she heard. A concentration camp, the place the deported jews are brought to.

Erika couldn't help her curiousity and stepped closer...and closer, until she eventually was standing right in front of one of the many high fences. There was a boy...around her height, maybe a few centimetres taller than her, looking exhausted and wearing what apparently they have to wear inside there as prisoners. Her guess was tat he was one, since her big brother's uniforms looked very differently. The boy looked very thin, even malnourished, and very exhausted. His dark blond, almost brown, curls were messy and dirty and dark bags were under his eyes as well. 'Poor thing...', the blonde thought at that. She didn't agree with what was happening currently at all but Basch told her to keep quiet, just for their safety and so Erika did. She wasn't sure if Basch agreed with her or not but she catches him more and more blaming jews for things which aren't their fault, such as Erika being sick. At this point the German girl pretty much was staring.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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