Chapter 1

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 Logans POV 

        I woke up in a deep hole. I can tell that I just have my cargo pants and my sports shirt on. I don't have my hidden knife on me. I keep it just in case something like this happens but I guess its not so hidden anymore. I try to move but I feel pain shoot up my right arm. I fall back down in pain. I look over at my arm and see its all black and blue and it is swollen. I almost forgot Rorke broke it like a twig on the beach where I last saw Hesh. I remember what happened on the beach and I get scared. I look around to see if I can get out any where but there is nothing. I then look up to see Rorke. Hes looking down at me with that evil grin of his. He waves his hand for someone to come over. I look up and see a federation soldier come over to Rorke. He says something to him but I don't under stand it. "I bet your wondering where you are, Huh kid?" Rorke says still looking at me. I just look at him "Or how long you've been out?" He then gets up and give a order in some language I don't even understand. 

        "Well, I'm going to answer that for you then kid. Your in the middle of federation territory, In a jungle, far way where no one and I mean no one will find you. Not even your little ghost team." Just as he finished talking a door opens up to my right and I see two federation soldiers walk out. Oh shit That's all I'm thinking at the moment. They walk over to me and start laughing. One takes out a syringe and fills it with some kind of blue liquid. He starts to come over to me while I try to back away but I'm at the wall already. The soldier sticks me with the needle and injects me with the blue substance. After about 5 seconds I can feel pain. Its the worst pain I have ever felt. I've been put threw alot of pain so ya you Can imagine how much it hurts. It hurts so much I cant move. I'm curled in a ball on the ground crying while the two soldiers laugh their heads off. They walk out of the pit and close the door leaving me to myself. I'm still a a crap load of pain but its not as bad as before. I sweating so much that my shirt is all wet. I look up and see Rorke smiling at me. "So kid, you like are little present? Made it just for you. As soon as you tell us where your little team is hiding it all can stop! So wanna tell us where they are?" Rorke says to me. I just look at him  not answering. I will never say anything about the ghosts location. 

                Hesh's Pov

        Its been about a week since Rorke took Logan. No ones been the same. I never talk to anyone. I just sit in my room all day thinking of what I could have done, what I should have to save Logan. If I would have not been a weakling and got up and stopped Rorke Logan could be here right now sitting by me. I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone knocking on my door. "Its open" I say looking out the window. Merrick walks in looking happy. That's a surprise since no one has been happy all week. "I got some good news Hesh." He says taking seat beside me. "We just got word we have a lead to where Logan is" That snaps me out of my phase. "What?" I ask. I'm to shocked to say anything else. "Ya turns out there is a Federation camp in a Jungle some where in Hawaii. Its new. We haven't seen it yet. It popped up on the map the day Logan went missing." I get up a hug him I'm so happy I really don't know what to do. He hugs me back. "Got some more news. Camps really hard to get into. So we are making a new group to go in with us when we go on mission Black Hawk. So we need you to train them. Keegan and I will help also." He says with a smile. This is the best news I've gotten in a long time. "When these new recruits coming?" I ask him. "Should be here within the hour." He says and walks out. I get my gear on and look at the picture I have of Me, Logan and Riley I have hanging on the wall. We'll get you Logan I think to myself. Just then a announce meant comes over the loud speakers. "New recruits have arrived. I repeat New recruits have arrived"  So I walk out my door and head to the landing dock. 

        I walk in and see all these guys. They look full of themselves. A few recruits sticks out to me. They are much smaller then the rest. All standing a group talking. Then it hits me. They're girls. "Commander on deck!" Some one yells and everyone stops what they are doing and looks at me. "So I'm sure you all know why you are here yes? Well you're here to be part of operation Black Hawk. This mission is to get back a member of the Ghost team." I yell to them "I thought members of the Ghost team could not be caught" Someone yells.  I hear some one make a smart remark "Must not have been a very good ghost then" That point makes me go over board. "Logan was the best on Ghost team! He was more of a solider then any of you will be. He is in Rorkes hands because he saved me! So if you think he is not worthy of being part of the ghost team or that he should not have been on ghost team, then get your ass back on that plain and leave. This squid is to go and save Logan." I yell at then, meanwhile I'm on the verge of crying my eyes out. Merrick comes up behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Go ahead. Keegan and I will take care of this." I nod and then start to walk away. "So if you're wondering who that was, that was your commanding officer and Logan Walkers older brother. The one who was taken by Rorke and is currently P.O.W. M.I.A." At the end Merrick's voice was about to crack. "He was one of the best in Ghosts Team. He's only 26 years old." (A/N: I'm not sure how old Logan really is so I just put in a number in the 20s. But if you know his real age please let me know!) You could see in every ones face they had heavy hearts for the ghosts. 


So the first chapter huh?

 How was it? Was it good? Was it bad? Too much? Too little? Please let me know!

I kinda feel like I make Hesh and Merrick alittle to emotional in this. Idk tho! But ya let me know what you guys think! If you have ideas let me know! Like names for the new team!  

Im gonna try to have to next chapter up by tomorrow morning. Im gonna try to have 2 chapters up a day. And if not then at least one a day! 

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