Interview: CrazystarThunderClan

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Here's our interview with CrazystarThunderClan, author of popular spoof book classic Ways to Get Kicked Out of ShadowClan, the Unknown Threat series, the Crazystar series, and the recently finished Bumblestripe's Insanity. She currently has 1,231 fans and 7,627 votes.

1. What is your name? (you can skip this one if you are uncomfortable saying)

I go by Crazystar in real life anyways so...

2. How would you describe yourself? (in three sentences or more)

Let's see...I'm a bit smart I'm that annoying kid that never pays attention in class or studies but gets straight As. I'm a bit weird cuz I got a weird sense of humor that most people don't understand, and I suppose I can be immature at random times. I like smiley faces even though they're childish and I am obsessed with 5SOS, Warriors, and Minecraft.

3. What languages do you speak?

I don't speak English :P okay fine, English and semi-decent French.

4. Have you ever been to a foreign country? Anywhere other then the one you would call home? If so, what are some interesting things you saw there?

No XD Never been outside the States although I might be going to Canada next year. I'm not counting this one trip I took as like a two year old.

5. What is it that inspires you to write? Is it a person? A place? anything~

Eh, my fans I write for them cuz it makes me feel good when I receive positive feedback on my stories and I have a wild imagination so I enjoy putting my crazy ideas on paper.

6. Why did you choose your username on here, does it represent you? Is there a story behind it?

I tried to get Crazystar originally cuz that would be my name if I was a warrior cat but it was taken so I put the name of my favorite Clan at the end.

7. How old were you when you took an interest in writing?

Um...I remember writing all the way from when I was in like first grade no joke.

8. What was the first story you wrote that you can remember? What was it about? Is it on Wattpad?

I wrote weird "short stories" in my third grade journal at school but I never finished a real book until the Wattpad era with the Unknown Threat Series

9. Do you prefer to write your story on paper first? Or do you just go straight to the computer?


10. How did you find Wattpad, and what about Wattpad is the reason you decided to stay once you found it?

I was writing ShadowClan's Threat for one of my school friends and I looked up something about Bramblestar on google and the first result was a book on here. I thought it looked cool the format and stuff so I made an account. I decided I should try to share my fanfics with the world I am.

11. What is your favorite book on Wattpad, what is it about this story that makes it your favorite, and why would you suggest this book to others?

Um...Jayfeather's Lesson by Mochapelt or Shining of the Four by awesomebacon. Both amazing representations of the warriors world. Jayfeather's lesson is great for Jayfeather fans like me it captures his moodiness perfectly.

12. Who is your favorite author in all of Wattpad? What are some of their stories that you have read and what makes them your favorite?

I like aboutablake's books. He writes about a lot of topics including Warriors ;) I've read a lot I love Toadstep's Lov and the Up Until Now series

13. How did you find out about Warriors and what made you stick to the series?

@dracometeor actually introduced me to the books she's my friend from school. (SEE MOM ITS HER FAULT!) um seriously I just loved the idea of Clans of cats and it's a very intriguing set of books. Once you understand it and learn the terms it's awesome.

14. What is your favorite scene from any of the books and why is it your favorite?

I'm gonna get killed for this...Firestar's death. THAT KITTYPET WAS TOO OLD XD

15. Who is your favorite character from Warriors (not a fan fiction) and why is that character your favorite?

Lionblaze cuz his power is awesome he's so strong and he wins every battle

16. What would your warrior name be and why?

Crazystar's my username and it fits me since I'm a bit weird.

17. What inspired your fan-fiction(s)? Both from in the original series as well as from your everyday life.

Um...I like making people laugh or keeping them entertained or happy plus I loved the world of erin hunter and wanted to write my own version of it.

18. How many people that you know in person also read warriors?

Um...not counting myself...








Seven I think but I probably forgot someone XD

19. Has anyone you've known in person made fun of the fact that you read Warriors?

My history teacher...can't blame him though since I was reading one of the mangas in his class XD

20. What is your favorite warriors fan fiction on Wattpad? Why is it your favorite and who is the author?

Jayfeather's Lesson by Mochapelt I explained earlier the whole Jayfeather grumpiness thing plus I'm a Jayfeather fan

21. What are some other books that you read? (not from Wattpad)

Lots I've read thousands...some favorites though are Hunger Games trilogy, Survivors, Seekers, Michael Vey series, Ender's Game, Percy Jackson series, Heroes of Olympus series, Kane Chronicles series, and the Fault in Our Stars

22. What is something about you that nobody would know just by seeing you?

I love 5SOS(jk everyone knows that my profile page even says I love 5SOS and I'm mentally dating Ashton Irwin) Um...I love Minecraft I play on lobby 22 of Mineplex and I'm addicted to Super Paintball and Super Smash Mobs?

23. Are there any websites other then Wattpad that you use and would like to suggest to the rest of the Wattpad community? If its a website with accounts, what's your username on it?

I hate most websites so nah XD

24. Is there anything that you'd like to say to your fans and readers? Any shout outs to specific Wattpad members?

I LOVE YOU MY FANS! <3 Thanks for all your feedback and support! Thanks to aboutablake and firestar4ever for being awesome friends online and dracometeor for being a great friend in real life. Bumblestripe's Insanity is my favorite book I've written so far and it made me so happy that everybody loved it it makes my day when I read your comments so thanks again to all my 1,231 fans! <3 You're the best I couldn't ask for better fans you're the reason I'm inspired and motivated to keep writing and hopefully improve my writing skills!

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