what pt.2

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So on google I typed in "why is it that god hates gays but loves all his children" and I went to yahoo and found this

First, according to the Bible, you should know that God doesn't hate YOU, it's the act of homosexuality that God hates. Take your Bible and read Romans 1:24-27, where it mentions how God feels about homosexualtiy. This is just one of many scriptures found in the Bible. Second, you should know that if you stop this act, you can regain God's favor and have a good relationship with him. You should know that it is understood that sometimes when deeply rooted wrong desires or genetic abnormalities are present, which cause a person to be homosexual, it is still possible to overcome these thoughts and practices. You can only change if you sincerely want to, but only with God's help. Ephesians 4:17-24 tells us to strip off the old personality with its practices and put on the new personality. It can be done. It will not be easy, but with lots of sincere prayers, along with asking for holy spirit to help you clear your mind of these thoughts, you willl be able to conquer your homosexual tendencies. Also, you must work in accordance with your prayers by not putting yourself in situations where you will be tempted to carry out the act. This means that you must steer clear of associating with those who practice such things, not go to homosexual or porn websites, and not go to gay bars, and not purchase magazines of a homosexual nature, etc. If you do these things, you will be able to conquer this problem. If you want more info about how to please God and have a good relationship with him, please visit jw.org. I hope this answers your question.

I started laughing and its like 12:18 am so yeah enjoy, I hope this answers the question for what, if not then oh well

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