how to know if you're a failure and a FANGIRL

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Want to know if you're at failure, keep reading.

1. if you choke on air

2. if you burn water

3. if you misspell simple words

That's all I could think of, I'm a failure I misspell simple words, and choke on air


1. if your phone is your prised possession

2. if you wanna cut a bitch when people touch your phone without permission

3. if you wanna cry when you don't have WiFi

4. if you constantly think of ships no matter what

5. if you talk to your electronic devices

6. if you read fanfiction where ever you go

7. if you don't let people look at your phone unless you give them permission

8. if you're constantly paranoid that people are looking at your phone

9. if you look up pictures of your ships on google

10. if you talk to at least one of your friends about your ships

11. if you're addicted to fanfiction, and YouTube

So imma fangirl I do all of those things

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