Chapter Eight

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Peter and I are sent home in tourist shirts. We knock on the door. May opens it. "I've been calling you all day. You didn't answer your phones. You can't do that. Then this Ferry thing happens. I've called five police stations. Five. I called five of your friends. I called Ned's mother." "I'm fine . May, I'm okay. Honestly, just relax. I'm fine." "Cut the bullshit. I know you left detention. I know you left the hotel room in Washington. I know you sneak out of this house every night. That's not fine. Peter you have to tell me what's going on. Lay it out." "I lost the Stark internship." He takes my hand and squeezes it. Mays eyes meet our connected hands. "What?" "Yeah." "What happened." He sits down and his head rests against my stomach. "I just thought that I could work really hard and he could... He would... You know." I comb my fingers through his hair. My eyes watering at his pain. "I screwed it up." "It's okay." She rubs his back.

After my shower I enter our room. Peter sits in his pajama pants. His head under his towel and his head in his hands. I sit on my knees in front of him. I run my hands up Peters arms and squeeze his shoulders. He looks at me. "Peter, it's gonna be okay. We'll figure this out. I'll talk to him." "You don't have to." He rests his head on my shoulder pulling me in to hug him. His warm fingers comb through my wet hair. "Peter." "Yeah?" He pulls back to look at me. Tell him. Tell him. "I-You're a good man Peter. I'm sure my dad will see what I see." He smiles lightly. "I'm gonna go to bed." He nods. He places a soft kiss to my forehead. I climb up the ladder quickly to hide my red face. "Y/n." "Yes Peter?" "Thank you." "Anytime Peter." I smile to myself and fall asleep.

Happy comes with me to shop for homecoming. He's very good at picking things. He drops me off in the Limo. "Thanks Happy." "Anytime." I head into Homecoming alone. Peters with Liz. His eyes meet mine as he approaches her. He freezes up for a moment and I look away at the wall. I just stand awkwardly in the corner. Suddenly he's grabbing my arm and pulling me out. "Peter!" He pulls me down the hall. "I don't have time to explain!" He lifts his locker thing and stops to change in the bathroom forgetting to let me go dragging me into the men's room. "Peter?" He busts out of the stall. He stops and looks at me. "You-you look really great tonight you know that?" He speaks really fast. "You think so?" "Yeah now lets go!" He drags me again. We rush out the back door of the school. Peter gets knocked down by the guy with the taser fist. "Gave you a choice." He looks to me. "You chose wrong." "What the hell?" He messes with Peter while I pry my dress and heels off. "Hey!" I shout standing in my underwear. He turns to me. I run at him. "What are you-." I form metal and hold him against a bus. He raises his taser fist and I grab it. I crush it along with his hand. He cries out and I toss him. He's out cold. Ned shows up. "Ned! The guys with the wings is Liz's Dad!" "What?" "I know! I gotta tell Mr. Stark. Call Happy Hogan He's Mr. Starks head of security." I stomp over. I smoke and follow him. He take Flashes car. I drive since Peter can't. We make it there.

We sneak in. I follow Peter through the lab. "Hey!" "Oh hey Pete. I didn't hear you come in." "It's over i've got you." Peter you idiot. "You know I gotta tell you Pete, I really really admire your grit. I see why Liz likes you. I do. When you first came to the house I wasn't sure. I thought, really? But I get it now." "How could you do this to her?" "To her? I'm not doing anything to her, Pete. I'm doing this for her." "Yeah." Peter webs his hand. "Peter, you're young. You don't understand how the world works." "Yeah but I understand selling weapons to criminals is wrong." "How do you think your buddy stark paid for that tower?" "Hey you leave him out of this." I growl moving into sight. Wearing rocks as a cover this time instead of metal. I don't want him to know things. "Hey, who this? Are you cheating on my daughter Pete?" "No she lives with me and Aunt May she's family." "Good, I'd be real upset if you were two timing my little girl." A new wing set flies in. I repeatedly push Peter out of the way. It knocks me down and I lay unconscious. I can hear Peter yelling for help in my dreams. I can hear him calling for me. I have to get up. I have to help Peter. I need to help Peter. I'm awoken the second Peter touches me. "Peter?" I ask. "I'm okay." He reassures. I sit up. "Peter." I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him as tight as I can. "Peter I was so scared. I thought you'd died." His warm hand on my bare back. "Peter." I pull back and hold my forehead against his. "Peter I love you. And-and I know you like Liz but Peter I love you so much. I always have." Tears leaving my eyes. He brushes my hair from my face and he holds me in his arms. "I love you too." He mutters into my hair. "What?" I pull back. "But Liz." "Shes a Senior. She'll leave at the end of the year and I'll never see her again. It was an unrealistic dream. Plus her dads kinda a deal breaker for me." He chuckles. I curl my fingers in his hair and pull his lips to mine. His hands hold me so tight. "Peter." I speak between our lips locking. His fingers running though my hair. "We still have a bad guy to catch." I pull back slightly. "Do we have to?" He chuckles against my lips. "What am I saying of course we do. Come on." He takes my wrists and we head out.

I float with Peter near the Plane. He pushes the wings off the plane. The man gets into his wing suit and tries to take Peter down. Peter almost gets launched into the jet. The jet falls out and Peter gets to the top. I form metal and block the wings from attacking Peter. Peter flies back but catches himself on the jet. The plane is going down. Peter pulls the wing up to steer the plane. We inevitably crash. I catch Peter in my arms and the metal is knocked from my skin. A sharp pain is strong in my side. I lay naked under Peter. He sits up and rips his mask off. My senses come to. Peter looks at his hand. There's blood. "Y/n!" The pain all hits me at once. I roll on my side and look at the piece of metal sticking out of me. It hurts so bad. I cry out in pain. "I'm sorry Peter. I was so focused on catching you, I let my guard down." "Why the hell are you apologizing!" His eyes are watery. He picks me up and looks around. The wing man attacks. He lifts Peter and drops him. He tosses him around. He lifts Peter with a wing. I struggle to stand as I cry in pain. "Y/n don't!" I turn metal and it forms everywhere except around my injury. Guess this doesn't count as minor. I ignore the pain and form huge lava rock monster. I stomp over and knock him down. I melt back down and fall to my knees. I lay helpless and in pain on the ground. "Your wing suits gonna explode!" He tells bird man. Peter shoots a webs at him. He cuts him off. The suit explodes. Peter runs over. I try to move the metal out my side but it hurts when I move in the slightest. "Argh!!" I yell out. I cry and hold around the wound. Roll on my front and rest on my hand and knees. My other hand holds my side. I look up as Peter comes to me. He carries Liz's Dad. He manages to lift me up as well. "Peter. It hurts." "I know, I know. Just hang on." We collapse and Peter lays me down. He pulls his jacket off and pulls it over me. He picks me up and we head off. He holds me at the top of the bridge. "We should take care of this." He swings me back to the house. He lays me on his bed. He rushes to the bathroom and grabs the first aid kit. "That's not enough Peter." My voice is raspy. "In my bag there's a better one." He gets it out. "Peter I need you to pull this out." "But I." "Do it. Aunt May isn't home." He nods and pulls it out. I cry in pain. "Okay now I need you to clean and dress the wound." He wipes me off and disinfects the wound. "Okay n-now What?" "I need you to stitch me up. He assembles the needle and I cry in pain as he stitches me up. I clench my jaw and suck it up. He finishes. I sit up and he helps me wrap myself. He helps me to the bathroom and leaves. After my shower I come back out to see him all clean sitting on the floor. I sit down right in his lap. "Hey-." I cut him off with my lips. He doesn't hesitate to return my affection. His hands roaming and my fingers pulling at his hair. His tongue brushes my lip and I let him slip into my mouth. The kiss is hot and I can't breath. "Peter." I sigh against him. "Hmm?" He kisses around my jaw. "I love you." He stops and looks at me. "I love you." His lips meet mine in a gentler kiss. More breathable. His soft lips lightly meeting mine.

Tony gave Peter his suit back. "Look at you Mr. SpiderMan." I press against his back and run my hands up his chest. He turns to face me. "Oh well look at you Miss Shyft." His eyes meeting mine. My fingers play with his hair and his hands hold my back. He kisses me softly.

"What the-."

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