Fake Dating, Tickets, and Mac 'n' Cheese

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Kara, Alex, and Sam were all still at Kara's loft apartment after a movie right had gone late. Alex and Sam were the only ones still awake as Kara had taken up the full couch, fast asleep. She sighed softly, just loud enough for the other two women to hear every now and again as they talked quietly between themselves. Alex covered her younger sister with one of the many blankets kept on hand. She tucked it in around Kara, kissed her forehead and took a seat beside Sam once more.

"I really wish I had a sister like you growing up... or even just now. The relationship the two of you share is truly beautiful. You are fantastic, blood relatives or not. It's so special." Sam said with a heavy sigh. "My mother was as good to me as she knew how to be, but I still have to lie about having a girlfriend to her to keep her off of my back. She's coming in soon so I have to drag my faux girlfriend out again.."

"Oh, really? Do tell about this fake girlfriend of yours." Alex raised her eyebrows, clearly suppressing a grin at Sam's lie. She was rather glad Kara was asleep for this particular conversation.

"Well, she's about your height, she has your hair color, and she is... well, she's just like you. I told my mom I was dating you." Sam said sheepishly. "You were the first person who came to my mind when she asked for a name. She's coming to town, so... if you could please pretend to be my girlfriend for at least a little bit... that would be lovely. I'll take you out for a real movie night and my famous mac 'n' cheese Ruby says you love so much."

"You had me at 'please', but now that you've outlined the perks I am definitely in." Alex's grin went wide. "Well, only so long as I get to choose the movie. Knowing you, you would do your best to make me watch a Disney movie. I'm not willing to watch Disney unless Ruby specifically asks me to. For your information, Ruby is not invited out our movie date, Sleeping Beauty will be made available to babysit on that particular night. It'll be good for her and Ms. Luthor to practice with a kid. I'm the Director of the DEO now, I can make these things happen." She declared with a determined tone.

"Well, Director, I should walk you through all of the pre-warnings and apologies that accompany the beast of a woman that is my mom. Lena has probably told you some of it, but I doubt even the best trained and most intelligent of your agents would be able to take her on." Sam laughed.

"It's a good thing I am assigning myself to this particular case, then. If anyone will be able to survive fake dating and then actually dating you... it's me." Alex chuckled back as she walked Sam to the door. "Thank you for coming over tonight, we love having you."

"I love being here. Speaking of Ruby, I have to go make sure she didn't burn down our house. I will text you later so we can develop a cover story or legend or whatever you people in the business call it." Sam said with a slight smirk on her face before leaning in to kiss Alex's cheek warmly. "Thank you...again."

"You are very welcome. Please text me when you get home safely." Alex waved goodbye as she watched Sam disappear down the hall. When she had gone, Alex quietly jumped up and down with a wide grin across her face. She threw a pillow at her sister to wake her up safely. "You will NEVER be able to guess what just happened."

"You and Sam finally figured out that you like one another and you're going to go out." Kara guessed easily, turning over to bury her face in the pillow and go back to sleep without opening her eyes or waiting for confirmation that she was correct. Alex was suitably impressed but not surprised at her sister's astute declaration.

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