Part 2

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 This was not going at all according to Sam's expectations. For one: this movie was really awful, as evidenced by the other part of her situation. For the other: Alex Danvers had fallen completely asleep with her head nestled into Sam Arias's shoulder and the rest of her body curled wholly up into her small theater seat. Sam wasn't about to complain, she was a big proponent of a good cuddle, but this was not how she'd thought the night would go.

The movie was truly bad and Sam was finding it hard to focus on what plotline there was when she was able to feel Alex's soft breathing against her arm. It was just easier to lose herself in the feeling of Alex's silky hair against her fingers. Sam sighed and tilted her head down to lean on Alex's, she took a deep breath. She could definitely fall asleep here as well.

Before they had gone out, Alex had confessed to her that she had been unavoidably kept up by a case the night before. For the millionth time, Supergirl had needed her, and they hadn't finished the mission until about four in the morning. Everyone knew that if Supergirl needed Alex, Alex would be there. Sam hadn't asked too many questions, she knew the other woman couldn't answer them anyway. She didn't blame Alex. Sam knew that the work Alex did was vital in the defense of National City and often even the world.

Sam really enjoyed spending time with Alex, whether she was awake or asleep. The other girl didn't ever look this peaceful when she was awake. She liked to see Alex relax. Alex Danvers rarely let whatever hair she hadn't recently chopped off down. Sam liked to be there when it happened, outside of the private Danvers Sisters couch moments. She would never try to barge into those moments. They were a sacred part of the makeup of the Danvers sisters.

Sam determined the best course of action was to curl up along with Alex and to ignore the movie. When the film ended, she didn't mention the damp spot on her shoulder to the elder sibling. Sam was definitely going to tell Lena and Kara about it though, she determined as she woke Alex up and the other woman began to apologize profusely. The gentle smile she offered Alex in return threw the director off a bit, though she appreciated the kindness.

"You probably didn't eat much last night either, did you?" Sam asked giving Alex a knowing look. "Let's go get some dinner and then take you home to get a good night of sleep. You need to get some rest."

"Thanks, Sam. That sounds perfect. I know I haven't exactly been the best date in the world, tonight. I'll owe you a makeup date later on when I'm well-rested, fed and alert. I'm sorry about... all of this." Alex gestured to herself and to her general surroundings.

"No, don't be. I knew what I was signing up for and the movie really wasn't any good anyway. I wasn't kidding about that, plus you're a very cute sleeper. You latched onto my arm like a koala." Sam chuckled and put a loose strand of hair back where it belonged. "I will take you up on that second date, though."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2018 ⏰

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