Chapter One

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Marco froze. His blue eyes wide and his mouth falling open at the sight in front of him. His heart felt like it was being ripped out of his chest and squeezed. It was beating so hard and so fast he could feel the blood rushing through his body. The air leaves his lungs making him gasp and gag as his throat constricted and tighten until he coughed.

The forest was up in flames sending the smell of ash and earthy burning wood high in the air and out to sea. The warmth radiated from the island. It had gotten so hot in some places the sand had turned to glass. Tree were still burning at their tops like candle tops. Small craters showed roots and went so deep water was pooling in a couple of them. A wall of fire, orange and red, swept across the landscape separating a small crew from them and their captain. Jinbei was on the ground, his clothes torn, and a small pool of blood painted the ground red. Staggering to his feet was a young boy, his normally tanned face pale making his freckled stand out and dark hair curling around him in a halo. He was bleeding and bruises started to form and change shade in seconds. A boy Marco would recognize anywhere.

Marco took a step back, shielding himself behind his brothers as his mind rushes back. His mind whirled through faces and time periods going back to before the Whitebeard pirates, far beyond even Whitebeards 70 years, and even farther to even before the World Government itself.

He wasn't on the Moby Dick anymore nor was he looking out onto a battle field that he had walked into. Before him was an island lush and green with vegetation and dotted with bright luminescent flowers. A lone large mountain that stood tall and proud in the distance with a large waterfall that gushed into lakes that turned to rivers that snaked to the sea. Between the trees and by the largest lake was a city made of jeweled rocks and large rooted trees was a city that housed thousands. A tree that was as big as one of the mountains stood surrounded by the largest building that was dusted in gold. The tree's canopy was filled with thousands to millions of different colored and shaped fruits. Each fruit more unique then the last and each cherished by the royal family.

The D family had been tasked with protecting the fruit since there creation some centuries ago and the royal family took their job very seriously. The king would choose out of his children, each generation, who would be heir to the throne and who would be heir to the tree. Each job coming with different responsibilities and rules that needed to be followed.

"Wait for me!"

Giggling a blond-haired child ran through the hall without a care. Behind him a toddler followed behind his short legs tripping on his long leaved skirt.

"Mawus!" The toddler cried.

A tall dark figure with equally blond hair stepped forward from a hallway and scoped up the blond boy.
"Marcus, what are you doing?" The man asked, hoisting the blond up just as the toddler slammed into his legs.

"Prince Asce!" The blond man yelped in surprise.

"Hewwo, Mr. Mawus daddy."

"We're playing." He told the older man.

"Nay, Nay, Marcus, what are you doing?" A young voice called out.

Marcus' attention drifted from its dazed form as he looked away from the window that over looked most of the island's city.
Before him was a dark-haired boy with a crown of golden feathers, gold paint marked up his upper torso, and woven into his skirt were the brightest of reds and golds all showing his status of eldest prince. His gray eyes alit and his freckled sparkling as he looked up to the older blond.

"Your father has given me the job of Captain of the Guard." He preened, turning to look once more out at the city before he began his trek towards the islands most prized possession to take guard at the tree's front entrance.

"Oh? Congratulations! You've been aiming for that position since we were children." He said admiringly.

"My father says, I'm the youngest to be assigned this position." He bragged, puffing his chest out and side eyeing the younger teen.

"So, I suppose I will be seeing more of you, Mister Captain," The young boy prince bowed with a smile playing on his face before pivoting around to walk back towards the palace, "Don't lose focus now." He sang.

"Where is your focus today, Marcus?" startled the blond turned around.

Coming into the room was the oldest prince, his stance relaxed, and a smile on his lips as he made his way forward. He was older, his muscles more defined, and his face had begun to lose the rest of his baby fat.
"My prince," he bowed quickly his eyes quickly taking in the prince's sword at his side and lack of head dress.
"Don't do that. My name is Asce, you know, you've been one of the islands knights since I was a boy. You've guarded me and my beloved brothers. Now tell me, what is wrong?"

"The boy, the eldest prince brought back to the island."

"Ah, Donquixote-san? What about him? Father is making him a guest of the kingdom."

"I'm...uneasy at his presences. We've had outsider's before, Sableu, the boy your father adopted, they have been fine." He hastily added to the prince, knowing he loved his adopted brother so, "But Donquixote... he was looking at the gifts and treasures, his expression turned into something else. Something I have not seen."

"That is troubling," Asce mumbled, his gray eyes turning dark, "I will inform my father of your observation."

"That is all I can ask."

Smiling softly Asce stepped closure to the guard, "Your opinion is important and is always valued, never forget that."

Suddenly he smiled mischievously. Lightly he stepped forward, bringing his arms up to wrap around the tanned shoulders of the guard, his fingers curling lightly into his blond hair. He lined forward to meet him in a chastised kiss.

"Don't be like that, soon you will be Consort to the Heir of the D Kingdom..."

"Arco-Marco, hey Marco? You okay?" Thatch, the fourth division commander was holding onto his elbow to steady him, his voice thick with worry, as he moved to look him in the eye.

"You've been out of it since we got here, I know the kids pretty impressive- he fought Jinbei for close to a week with no breaks! But it's nothing to freak out about."

Scowling he shoved Thatch away, glancing around to take in the dispersing crowd, catching sight of four other commanders' carrying Jinbei and the boy towards the med bay. Pops looked at him in worry, his gaze speaking in his silence. Nodding his head, he assured Thatch of his wellbeing before making his way towards Pops, climbing up to stand on his shoulder.

Suddenly feeling exhausted, the type of exhausted he hadn't felt since Whitebeard had found and taken him in. Memories. Memories from a thousand and one lifetimes, flew to the front of his mind. Faces he had long tried to forget and names that still sat heavy on his tongue. Closing his eyes, he sat down, leaning heavily on his father he thought back to a shining bright palace and a kingdom built on family.

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