Chapter two

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Portgas D. Ace opened his eyes to a wooden ceiling. He breathed deeply counting down from twenty to calm his mind, taking a moment to feel his fire running through his body. The scent of medicine, deft wood and ocean filled the air. The atmosphere was peaceful. Ace pressed his hands against his eyes, dragging them down his face as he sat up. His fingers drifted to his throat; grimacing, he recalled his fight with the fish man Jimbei, and then with Whitebeard. He knew he was in enemy territory and he hated it, but at least his crew got away. Ace looked over his body, cranking his neck to look over his bare back. He was happy to see that he healed enough to move there was still some marks here and there but at least he wasn't bedridden.

Judging by how disoriented he felt he knew he's been asleep for a while. Hands clenched and unclenched, he was trapped here on with the Whitebeard pirate though. Bitterness reared its ugly head, Ace snarled glaring at the iv in his arm. Gritting his teeth, he pulled the iv out along with removing the Cardiac monitoring. Ace forced his aching body to move. He didn't need to rest; he needed answers like what happened? What became of his crew, where they safe where they even alive? And most importantly what did they want from him, why was he here? How long has he been asleep!

The door to his room opened quietly. Ace instantly stood in attack stance, hands aflame and ready to protect himself. Standing in the doorway was a tall man with a brown pompadour hairstyle, which went to a point at the back of his head, and a black goatee around his chin. He had a stitched scar running down his face, around his left eye. He was dressed in a posh uniform, with calf-long pants and a black belt around his waist, and brown shoes.

"Oi, firefly! Good to see your finally among the living again. I'm Thatch, nice to make your acquaintance and welcome abroad the Moby Dick!"

"I don't give a damn what your name is, you can't keep me here." He said with his teeth barred and a low growl from his throat.

Thatch knew a hostile growl when he heard one. Pop's sure knew how to pick em'. This wasn't gonna be easy. He could already tell the brat had a chip on his shoulder. But who was he to go against his father's word?

"Yes, well I'm here to check on you and since your awake you must be hungry. What can I bring you?"
Thatch decided to just play it safe and stick to easy conversation. He doesn't need the firefly burning up the ship.

"Nothing!" Ace grunted.

"Nonsense you've out of commission for fourteen days you must be starved. I'm the head chef of the crew it's my job and pleasure to feed any and everyone aboard. Come on tell what you want I can cook anything."
Pissed that this idiot couldn't take no for an answer and horrified that he had been at the mercy of his enemies for so long, Ace automatically brought up a fireball. Ducking and dodging, Thatch let out a screeched.

"Oh, watch it, not everyone is fireproof like you."

All the screaming and explosion brought nurses running in. Ace brought out more fireballs at the doctors trying to get close to him.

"Back off!"

Thatch noticed, that as more people entered the room made Ace more uncomfortable, the kids face turning red as more flames erupted around his shoulders and trickled down his arms. He immediately ordered everyone out of the room and hoped that someone thought to grab first division commander, there was no way he stood a chance against Logia powers. All he could do was talk the firefly down till Marco came or till Ace tired himself out. He could already tell the would have to make some minor repairs to the sick bay, the bad-tempered firefly had scorched the sheets and walls might need a new coat of paint.

"Ace you need to calm down this is a sick bay and there are some flammable liquids in this room. So, unless you want send the ship up in flames with you on it... You need to put your flames out." Thatch tried to reason with Ace.

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