Chapter four

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Traveling on a boat you didn't want to be on was a lot like being in a cage. Ace hated being caged, confined, not free- it made him think of his brothers and how much they all strived for freedom and then his chest felt tight from missing them and the fear of being not free made him sweat. But he was on a boat in the New World. While he could hide in the storages rooms for probably forever it was just not how he wanted to live. For now, though, now they would have to do. So, the first thing Ace did was find a hiding place. Nestled in between the wood of the ship and random assortment of items, he found a place in their storage room.

Almost completely on the other side of the room from the door, he climbed over boxes, crates, and the like until he found a small hole he claimed as his own. While it wasn't the most comfortable it was a place to put his things and hide out until he took Whitebeard's head.
He smooshed himself into such a small corner and hidden himself so well that if anyone came looking for him or came for supplies they wouldn't find anything belonging to him or himself admits the box, crates, barrels, and other such things. The had kept everything were it was so there was no sign of him having been there either. Ace counted himself luck as all of the supplies were securely places and if not tied down.

While he knew he could probably lift anything they carried on board, he would rather not be woken up to a barrel or crate falling on him. Despite his ache for his brothers and the anger over being caged he thought positively, he had carefully gone through boxes, making sure not to move them or remember where they were so he could put them back, and he had found fabrics, blankets, and softer things to add to his hiding nook. It was actually more comfortable then he was used to, when he thought back to the hard wood floors of the tree house and Dadan's country. Carefully he hid his watermelon bag in a small narrow hole near his nest before getting ready to sleep- he'd try for Whitebeards head in the morning.

Sleep didn't come to him easily that night, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. He missed his home, not Dawn Island, but the home with his beloved brothers. He missed Sabo and Luffy, their laughter and smiled, their teasing and reassuring hugs. Rubbing at the tattooed S on his arm he couldn't help but think of what it would be like if Sabo was with him now. He'd probably lecture him, ace decided, he could give him a tongue lashing, up and down, going on about his stupid plan to challenge the strongest man in the world! Sabo would be justified in calling him stupid. But, Sabo would support him in his dream, saying he needed to plan first and with his strength he could take down Whitebeard. His blond brother was always supportive. Luffy would just laugh and tell him to try again...
His eyes began to sluggishly shut as a smile played on his lips, the laughter of his youngest brother ringing in his ears.

He woke up in room. Covered in silk bedding and with large walk through windows that were splayed wide open letting the dawn's rays make the room glow. There was a desk and wardrobe made out of dark wood, and a large mirror just after the desk. Had the Whitebeard Pirates found him and moved him? Before Ace could untangle himself from the bed spread a loud shout came from the hall and the door was flung open.


Automatically bracing himself the second he heard the voice; a body was flung on top of him.

"ACSE IT'S TIME TO GET UP! It's my birthday!" the familiar voice cheered.

Peaking up from the blanket Ace was meet with the face of his baby brother... but not. There was no scare under his eyes and a small dusting of freckles danced around his nose. His eyes though, shone a dark chocolate brown he knew better then his own, and pearly whites were shown as his mouth stretched into a grin. His faze moved down. His brother wasn't dressed in his usual blue cut off shorts and red shirt, instead wrapped around his waist was a skirt of large dark leaves, cloth that seemed to sparkle in the light, and colorful feathers.

Before he could question what was going on another voice called out from the door.

"Lufianiti," as the other man came through the room, Ace's breath left him, "You didn't need to wake us up for this."

Sabo stood tall, with blond hair curling around his shoulders and his face set in an angry pout. He was dressed just as strangely as Luffy, wearing a skirt almost identical save for the sparkles it seemed to have blue clothes woven in with the leaves.

"But it's my brithdayyyyy." The youngest boy whined.

Pushing his younger brother off of him, Ace stood up and finally took in the room around him. The room was large, about the size of Dadan entire cabin, with rich fabrics of reds, yellows, and oranges that decorated the walls and hung heavily over large windows. His bed was a tree, twisted and shaped into a flat surface before the branches continued up and out holes in the ceiling and walls. He had never seen anything like it before.

"It's okay Blu," his mouth moved without his consent, his eyes widened as he gracefully moved to a latch in the wall and took out unfamiliar clothes, unable to control his actions.

"If you say so," the blond muttered, reaching forward to pull the smaller boy towards the door,

"Come Lu, mother is surely awake, she will be waiting for you." He told the squirming boy.

Laughing the boy turned on his heel and rushed out the door.

"You don't have to humor him." the blond said dryly.

"Tis his birthday." His voice spoke as he panicked inside his mind.

Dressing quickly, he followed his blond brother out the door. The rest of the building was the same, made from twisting trees and shinning stones. The windows were either stained colored glass or no glass at all, creating dancing colors inside the building. Ace took all that in as his feet lead him down the halls, his hands raising to wave at passing figures, some that looked familiar, that tickled his mind and whispered in his ear that he knew them.

It was as they passed through a large arch way- so Large that Whitebeard would have no trouble walking through, that his attention was caught. Inside the room, with her arms around Luffy, was a strawberry blond woman, with a crown of flowers tipped in gold and freckles dancing under dark chocolate eyes alight in joy.

His breath left him, and he knew, he knew in the same way he knew he could trust Luffy and Sabo with anything, the way he knew how to control his devil fruit the second he ate it, he knew... this was Rogue, his mother.

Ace sat up, panting as his mind raced. The storage room on the Moby Dick was dark and did not make him feel any better. Relaxing his shoulders, he allowed some small flames to rise and float around him, as his hands made it way to his head, pulling and tugging at loose dark curls.

"What was that?"

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