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Friends I met at this school
dragonlady006,Daiveon_Uchiha,Depressed-kevo, Tobisenju12,Excited_Potato,Majesty-joon.

I might be leaving my school... This is the second school I have been to and I've been here for about three and a half years here and I've made a lot of friends and I don't want to leave plus I have a crush there and I don't want to leave (not telling who) but I really don't want to leave form there. And the school I might go to is right on the corner. I know that it might sound stupid not to go but I would have to go through the building up friends again and I'll probably get bullied again and I don't want to go through this shit again. Plus I'm in 7th grade so I'd only have two years there and I don't know how far behind my school now is in academics so I might be like in the first subject in the chapter while there in like chapter five or six. But I might be leaving

But thanks guys for caring to read this

life at schoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora