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Welcome to the story of the shit hole of a place we've all been too FUCKING SCHOOL yeah Im back with the story and oh shit i have a lot of stuff to say.

FIRST OFF THE FUCKING SHITHEAD'S IN MY CLASS (it's sh-thee this is a Christan story JK)

But anyways disclaimer I don't really care if I say names there assholes anyway so I'ma say names.

#1 Adrian. DIS BOI IS A LD SPECIAL ASS BOI. He isn't actually LD but he acts like it. I don't dis disabled people. But he is like the bad kid in the class so he is the one that always talks back to teachers and usually has problems with most of the people in the class. So of course he has a problems with me. I've been so close to slapping the shit out of him but with the good kid I am I haven't yet but he's very close to getting fucked up. OOF I don't feel like writing about him anymore so next chapter will be about someone else


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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