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During class all the panthers and sharks were in one room, one class. Uh oh. Well on the bright side Mr. Alonso is the teacher for math. He is a teacher and and a principle. Another good thing was that Andi and Jax get to sit next to each other... Almost. Andi and Emma was sitting next to each other while next to them was sitting Jax and Daniel.

Andi didn't bother taking down notes even though mr. Alonso warn them that this will be on the test, she will just get the notes from Emma later on. She was secretly listening to music and thinking back into the days of when her and Jax started going out.

"Emma! Do you know where my notebook is at?" Asked Andi. Can't wait to get the notes because there about to study for the mid terms

"Sorry, I haven't seen it" she reply closing her locker. And leaving to go "hey Andi all of us are going to study hall, come when you find your notebook" said Emma while waking backwards "if you can't find it, don't worry, we will help you retake the notes" reassured Emma

"Oh great" right about how she is really frustrated, she was looking everywhere when she feel someone bumped into her she go even more mad, and she was even Mader when she found out who it was. It was the one and only, Jax Novoa.

"Hey do you have eyes? Watch we're your-" she was cut off when she saw her notebook in his hand "what are you doing with my notebook?!" She yelled

"What are you talking about? This is my notebook" he stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"No it's not! I have the same notebook with a purple, blue, black, background with a cross skull and bone, on the front!" She pointed to the front of the cover and pointed to everyone of the features

"Well so do I!" He was starting to get mad, thinking as if this was a prank pulled by the panthers. "Black, blue, and dark purple are my favorite colors."

Andi was kind of speechless

"So is mine" she agreed with him. Wow who would have thought they have the same favorite colors "but that's still mine, um you open the front of the notebook" Jax do at what he was told and andis prediction came true. There was a huge 'A' on the front page made with washi tape "A stands for Andi, and it's my book" Andi said while snatching the book out of his hands

"We'll were are mine" Jax raised his eyebrow while scratching the hack of his neck

"How should I know?" Andi scoffed

"Well can You help, I'm suppose to meet with my friends at study hall"

"Oh man!" She groaned "the panthers are going to study hall to"

"Oh come on!" He was frustrated "wait I think I left my books in literature class, come with me" he said running out the hall. Without giving Andi a chance to say something. By the time they got to the class room, it was locked

"Here, step a side" Andi said while I took a bobby pin out that I had clipped to my back pack. I started jiggling till I
Heard a click "and we're in" she smiled

"Andi your a genius!" He said excited
As he rush inside, he was looking in till he saw his notebook on the ground and it looks exactly like the one Andi is holding. Andi moved right behind him and maybe that wasn't the greatest plan because when Jax stood up and turned around he bumped into Andi and they both tipped over to the ground and Jax's lips falled on Andi's

They both had wide eyes, try wanted to pull away but they couldn't not when the kiss was this good, it felt like fireworks were being set free

Jax was the first one to close his eyes. Just letting what happens happen. Right when he closed his eyes Andi followed buy closing her long eyelashes shut.

In her mind she was screaming to stop and thinking about the panthers if they ever find out, oh boy! She can already imagine their angry faces. But all those worries gone away when Jax took his hand and run it trough her hair. It relaxed her

They both let go of each other when they were both out of breath. Jax was shocked. Who knew he would kiss Andi Cruz. Willingly. They were both staring into each other eyes getting lost an it stop when Andi push his chest off of her.

"I have to go" She said before sprinting out of class

After that they both went to study hall and sat with there friends. During the whole time they were staring at each other or taking glances. Whenever one another caught the glance they would quickly look away... Repeatedly

Andi was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt a paper being thrown at her she realize it was Jax motioning her to read it. Behind her was Maddie looking suspicious and really confuse

Andi uncrumple the paper quietly trying not to attract attention and it read

2nite at mall
After midnight"
she smiled proudly while shooking her head like a small child. And that immediately put a smile on Jax's face. Jax's uncle owns the mall so he let Jax stay till anytime as he wants as long a he locked the door.

Maddie was watching the whole scene she only saw Andi shaking her head and Jax smiling relieve.

She was deeply confuse, she decided to talk to her after class

"So what'd with you and Jax during class?" Asked Maddie the minute they got out of class

"Oh he drew me hanging from a tree and wrote 'kill me?' So I shaked my head and yea that's about it" she quickly lied

Maddie squinted her eyes to see if she was lying. But she gota admit it was a good reason and it seems a lot like them

"Okay, so can I see the drawing" Maddie ask

"I can't I threw it away"

"Oh ok. Well later. See ya at lunch"

The truth was that Andi took the note and kept it in her school bag and was gonna go home and add to the collection of notes, letters, cards she got from Jax. In the mean time she was thinking about what to wear.

Andi's house
Light out
About to leave

Andi didn't know what to wear. She was in her room deciding what to wear. She knew that her parents would never let her go out on a school night so she planed to sneak out.

She decided to keep it dressy but yet casual

She went with jeans with a yellow ruffled tank top (da 1 Ali wored da nite she went missing on PLL) with a black leather jacket knowing Jax he might wear one to. And to go with it. She had converse.

She took her iPhone and texted Jax she is on her way. And placed it on her pocket. She climbed out of the window and shut the door behind her and left.

To be continued...

Every Witch Way: JandiWhere stories live. Discover now