The thing they fear

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A/n: Ik I'm driving my readers insane! Ayyyeee

Everything was returning normal from the date of hell. Emma was at her locker while she was grabbing her books, little did she know two hands grabbed her and blocked her eyes

"Guess who" said a voice and she could tell it was Daniel even though he tried to use a fake voice.

"dad is that you? It sounds a lot like you" she said deciding to play at his game

"Emma it's me"

"Wow didn't no" she replied sarcastically

They both laughed it off while Daniel hit her with a question like a train

"Emma would you to go out on a date with me?"

Emma didn't waste a second to reply, "of course yes!" But then realize she was to dramatic so she replied again with a "I mean um yea sure"

They were interrupted by Gigi coming running to them with her camera man and a microphone in her hand

"Omg this is the most biggest thing that ever happen to iridium high ever"

Uh oh.


Emma got a text from Maddie to meet up with her at the bathroom.

"Hello?" Emma asked as she poked her head in

Andi was sitting on the counter while Maddie and Sophie was fixing them selves up on the mirror and Katie was just texting on the phone.

"Oh hey look what the cat dragged in" vemon in Katie's voice as she looked up from her phone.

"Talk" Maddie commanded and quickly added a "stat"

"There's nothing much to talk about" Emma replied

"Nothing? Nothing!" Screamed Maddie

"Guys we promise we wouldn't fight" andi said trying to remind everyone what she made them promise

But Maddie ignored her and continue what she was going to say "I can't believe you are going out with a shark, your a traitor!" She screamed fiercely

And Andi was just in shocked. Asking herself 'is this what it's gonna be like when they find out about me and Jax? I mean think about it Emma and Daniel only got asked out and their already mad, let alone Jax and I have been together for like 6 months'

Meanwhile in the Sharks locker room

"Hey guys" said Daniel walking in awkwardly

"Oh hey shark... Oh wait are you a shark or a I don't know a traitor?" Ask Mac

"Look-" said Daniel trying to explain but got cut of by Diego

"Look I thought you were a true shark, but you did the worst thing a shark can do" Diego said disappointed

"Look I'm sorry ok? I'll call of the date and cut her out of my life" Daniel said looking down.


"Andi!" Jax yelled as he took her hand into an empty hallway

"Oh hey"

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing it's just that... Today when I saw Maddie's face and the others I was wondering what this would happen to us? I can't believe This is happening"

"Don't worry" he comfort her as he spread his arms around him.

A/n: haha, so I guess all of u got fooled by the preview

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