Chapter 7

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Then something happened..after we stopped kissing I walked away then Alex walked up to me.
Alex:I'm done I'm so tired of you choosing Carlos over me!
Me:what what are you talking about ?
Then Alex walked to the lockers and smashed a glass container against the lockers and got the longest and sharpest piece of glass.then Alex walked up to carlos and Carlos  looked at Alex and Alex stabbed him in the stomach with the glass shard.then Alex walked away and Carlos fell on the floor and started bleeding I ran to him and got my phone and called 911 .
911:911 what's your emergency ?
Me:please my friend got stabbed in the stomach help!
911:where are you ?
Me:at Gilmore highschool in the United States ,hurry!
911:we will be on our way!
I told Carlos to hold on then I remembered to put pressure on the wound and after 10 minutes the ambulance came and took Carlos.I then went to look for Alex I got a tranquilizer and looked for him.I saw him crying in the hallway I walked up to him and sat down with him.
Alex:is he OK?
Me:he's at the hospital
Me:why did you do what you did?
Alex:it's because I like you I really do and when I saw you kiss him I got triggered and did what I did.
Me:well too bad
Then I tranquilized him and dragged him to my house .at my house I asked him questions and got my answers I then let him go home.
Then I showered and changed into some clothes that were not full with blood.this is what I Wore 👇🏻

I then went to go visit carlos

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I then went to go visit the hospital he was already awake.
Me:hey Carlos how you doing
Carlos :good but who's it gonna be,me or Alex?
Me:it's that I can't choose between you or Alex once I feel like I'm ready to decide I suddenly can't because I like both of you and if I decide I will feel like I missed out
Carlos:OK I understand
I then walked out and got a call it was unknown I answered it and......

Read chapter 8 tomorrow and follow me on instagram at queen.ailin

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