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Little Ella was playing,

She went to the lake to play,

She was dragged,

And forced to drown,

And she's living with me now.

For three generations, the Winston family has had a spirit haunting girls, one per generation, from age four to six. It always happens when the girl turns four, then when she turns seven the spirit is gone. They call this spirit 'Ella'.

So far, Ella hasn't done anything hurtful toward the family's or the girl's. She simply talks with them, and when they turn seven, she goes away. It is believed that she is a helpful spirit of some kind.

How wrong they are.

"Mommy, Ella says that you need to leave," says Sarah.

"Honey, I need to give you your medicine," says the mother, worried.

"Ella says that if you don't go, she's going to hurt you," says Sarah.

The mother looks around, scared, and then walks out after putting the medicine on the table. It gets tossed out the window almost immediately.

"No one understands," says Ella.

"I do," says Sarah, hugging Ella. "It's ok, your my friend. Best friends forever!"

"And if some mean people come to take you away, I'll stop them," says Ella.

"Promise?" asks Sarah.

"Promise," says Ella.


Sarah is playing dolls with Ella when her mother calls her down. Sarah came down and her mother introduced her to some people.

"Can you please tell them about Ella?" asks her mother.

"Well, Ella has wet hair always, and she wears a pretty white dress," says Sarah. "Ella told me she lives in the lake, and she's six."

The people all exchange looks. "Why does Ella live in the lake?" asks a woman politely.

"Because someone pulled her in," says Sarah matter-of-factly.

"Has Ella ever threatened to kill someone?" asks a man.

"Only if they hurt me," says Sarah. "Ella and me play all day!" Sarah skips upstairs without another word.

"I think we have a spirit attacted to your daughter," says a woman. "Call us if anything... violent happens."


"I'm going to be right outside," promises Ella. She leaves and Sarah climbs into bed.

Sarah tosses and turns in bed, searching for that one comfortable spot she likes to sleep in. She finds it and falls into a deep sleep.

Sarah wakes up later and finds Ella standing above her. She has the head of her mother.

"Your mom lied," says Ella. "Your mom said she was going to protect you from killers. But she was going to hurt you."

Sarah stares at Ella and then hugs her. "Thanks Ella," she says.

"It's okay," says Ella. "I'll take care of you, and if anyone wants to hurt you, I'll rip them apart."

"Promise?" asks Sarah.

"Promise," says Ella.

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