Two Bad Guys - McSombra

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A duo both with skin hued brown, or a tint of brown. Silence came from both the hacker and the gunslinger, both refused to drink nor to speak. It was quite an awkward experience. The hacker, Sombra, preferred to keep her identity hidden. Barely anybody knew who she was or what she did for a living. Often times the latina would come to this bar, more than once running across McCree, both completely wasted or mildly drunk. The bar wasn't the most sanitary nor vacant location, but it at least satisfied the duo.

"Ain't gotta be shy," McCree spoke his western accent bathing each word.
Sombra huffed, glaring at the other, "look who's talking." It was meant to be more teasing then firm, but sadly it came out in the complete opposite way then intended. They both once again let silence stretch out between them. The voice from other drunk people and people at the bar mingled through the silence as if it were practically asking to bring conversation between the two.

McCree cleared his throat, his eyelids fluttering lightly shut temporarily before he opened them again. With that he finally spoke once again, "Sombra.." He paused as if thinking of how to correctly word his thoughts. "Yer a hacker, correct?" McCree chuckled inwardly at how stupid he sounded. Both the latina and cowboy knew basic details of one another. McCree waited - waited for the Latina to break into laughter and call him off at how stupid that question was. Though, she didn't do that.

The hackers lips creased upward into a gentle smile as she looked at the other. "Cowboy you amuse me," She teased, her accent was there, and thickly weighing on her voice before she continued, "Yes, yes I am a hacker. "
Just like that silence came back, Sombra began studying her nails as if it were to reveal a secret at any given moment.

"Never asked, Cowboy, " She emphasized 'cowboy' before continuing, "But, why do you come here? Besides just to drink, why do you come here to drink?" The Latina raised an eyebrow before looking at the other who shrunk lightly.
"Reasons." McCree coughed, not turning to face the hacker.
Sombra chuckled, "awwwww~ Turning shy on me?" She purred teasingly, leaning forward on her seat, more interested now.

McCree sighed, " I could ask you the same question Sombra, seeing as yer a hacker, obviously very.. Skilled with it. " He grinned lightly as the latina frowned. McCree chuckled, placing a hand onto the table. "Look. I c'mere just to get wasted, nothing more, nothing less, sug." The cowboy rolled his shoulder bavk, his.. Response obviously hinting to something more then just what was on the surface.
"Aww, c'mon there's gotta be more than just getting wasted here.. " Sombra paused, obviously giving the idea that she was finished. Until she saw McCree shift awkwardly. "There is something!" The Latina stood up, chuckling and staring dead straight at McCree .

Glances from a couple of other drinkers fell upon her and McCree. The cowboy obviously disliked it. "Keep yer voice down darlin '," He hissed to the latina. Only sparking the hackers interest in the actual reason he was here, and normally wasted.
"Amigo, if you don't tell me why you're actually here I'll be as loud as I want to." Sombra smirked before speaking in loud Spanish to McCree, which the cowboy knew none of the words she was spewing. Immediately McCree shot up, covering her mouth with a hand.

"Shut up- If I tell you, you won't scream or shout, got it?" McCree hushed, the gazes of all the other drinkers burning into his body, the latina wasn't phased by any of it.
The hacker finally nodded, and McCree slowly removed his hand from her mouth, worried she was going to yell once again. Sombra sat back down into her chair. "When's the last time you washed your hands?" She teased the cowboy .

McCree chuckled, "yer a hard one to settle aren't ya, darlin'." He grinned watching her face light up into laughter. McCree only chuckled lightly watching her laugh and smile with what he just said - it wasn't very funny but she was dying from laughter at this point.

Sombra finally collected herself once again. "Alright.." She huffed. Her cheeks were a natural red hue from laughing, despite her skin being a tint of brown it still showed brightly through the color. "Why are you actually here, cowboy?" Her lips creased upward into a smile as she pressed onward, "other then to just get wasted. Or, reasons." She was practically trying to tease him at this point.

McCree chuckled before inhaling to actually start. "I'm not much of a good person - been pushed around most my life. Done rather... Horrible things. So I guess ima.. Bad guy." He tipped his hat downward as he was trying to hide his face, guessing she might have a remark to say. Sombra only let McCree continue. "Lost a lot of.. Close friends. Guess I came 'er to forget of what I've done." McCree sighed, rising his gaze to look up at the latina.

Sombra was in deep thought, tapping her painted nails into her chin before looking at McCree, their eyes both locked into one another's. Silence once again grasping onto both of them. Before Sombra opened her jaws, letting these words slip off her tongue,

"I guess we both are.. Bad guys."

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