Never Leave Me Again - Ana76

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Knock knock

The gentle tap against the wooden door snapped the day dreaming man back to reality. It was understandable as to why his thoughts would wander often, his past and present weren't the best. "Come in," His deep raspy voice called out to the person who knocked. With that a young cowboy entered, his expression unreadable and firm as he looked at the pale man in the room.

"Jack.. you should really leave this roo-" Jack cut him off quickly, obviously he disliked what the young cowboy was going to suggest. "Jesse. I've already told you... Unless pressing matters should be taken into action. Do not bother me. Especially about leaving this room." Jack spoke clearly and firmly, renewing the idea of Jacks authority.

Jesse nodded and hesitantly slipped from view, the door never shutting, as Jesse could be heard hastily speaking to someone. This only enraged the commander further.

"Jesse god dammit! Close the damn do-" Jack was going to continue onward with his rage, before a new voice, a female with a heavy accent; the tune obviously revealing old age spoke first, "Aren't you being a little too harsh on him, now, Jack?" The commander perked up lightly, and pushed himself upward standing in front of his chair. He looked more paler than his normal appearance, as his eyes brimmed with shock and... sadness?

"Ana..." Jack called out silently into the now silent room. The woman, Ana spoke once more, laughter lacing her words as she slip through the cracked open door, "Who else would it be? Good evening, Commander Morrison." Ana saluted the man quickly and smiled. Her cheeks crinkled with wrinkles, providing more of an idea to how old this woman was. Her presence gave the commander a hard time to speak. Jack couldn't believe any of this.

"No.. you can't be.. this must be a dream..." Jack turned away, most of his dreams ended like this.. Ana.. returning to him. He couldn't bare any more heartache, his heart was already shattered enough. The woman shook her head, and moved closer slowly, step by step towards Jack. "Jack, look at me... Why would I not be here?.." Her voice was gentle and sympathetic.

Jack refused to look at the woman once again, feel those feelings drag themselves from the deepest parts of his memories. Those memories he tried so hard to bury and never dig up again. Yet.. Ana.. Was this real or a dream.

"Take off your visor..." Ana pleaded gently, still slowly approaching the man. "Please.." The woman's desperation was evident in the way that she spoke to him, she pleaded that he would listen, but she also knew that he probably would continue to be the stubborn man he normally is. The woman's eyes glistened with pain. She left him to endure all of this pain by himself and now she randomly reappeared..? She could only begin to understand the pain that he would have been suffering through. Guilt caught in her throat from the idea of how much pain he was in. "Jack.."

The commanders breathing was labored as if he was choking back the emotions that he struggled to keep locked in for years. "Ana... did you really..." The man took in a shaky inhale, struggling to recollect himself before continuing. His gaze finally rest onto Ana. "Are you really here?" Jack finally muttered out. Ana stood merely only a few feet away from the man now.

"Yes.. Jack... I'm here..." Ana smiled weakly, tipping her head slightly to one side as she examined the man. He has changed, likewise to her. Jack hesitantly did as the woman instructed him to do, his shaky hands gripping lightly onto the jawline of the visor, slowly, he worked it off of his visor, revealing a stream of tears dripping down his cheeks, scars covering his face, as he smiled. "Ana.." His voice cracked, and it was definitely heard. Jesse's boots could be heard clicking away, obviously he stayed for a bit to hear these two reunite. After all, both of the kind of raised him a bit.. Ana chuckled at the sound, and Jack merely only frowned; it would've been better if privacy was given.

Ana walked closer to the man. Jack looked at her closely, examining her, he was so afraid... That this was merely only a dream. Examining her closely would bring more memories, more frustration... more heartache. But she was here now wasn't she? A hand pressed gently against his cheek, the thumb, slowly dragged its way across his cheek. Then recoiled back to its body. "Don't cry now..." Ana whispered, her tone gently, soft.. loving... the memories flowing through him as if it happened just yesterday.

Carefully, his slid his hand down, to snake around Ana's waist, to pull her into a gentle yet tender kiss. It wasn't rushed nor hesitant, it was the perfect timing for both sides. Both of them had shifted their eyes shut, just to enjoy the warmth their bodies radiated.

"Mama?..." The voice broke the kiss, both of them pulled away, feeling their cheeks flush as they turn to see Ana's daughter, along with Jesse standing and staring at them. Jesse's eyes narrowed with silent laughter, obviously he planned for this to happen or something along those lines. Jack was about to scold the young agent but Ana hurried over to her daughter, pulling Fareeha into a tight hug. Jesse looked at the duo before retreating towards Jack.

Jack held his tongue. He didn't want to get scolded by Ana in front of these two. Jesse nudged his commander with his elbow. "Finally got that kiss you've been thinking about, ay?" Jesse smirked devilishly at Jack. Which Jack gave him a death glare, making Jesse laugh.

"I thought i taught you better, I used that thought for something else," Jack returned the teasing comment, which made Jesse hide slightly. Jack chuckled lightly, his hoarse voice interesting, "I was just joking." Jesse chuckled awkwardly, before straightening and looking at the mother and daughter converse in front of him and Jack.

"I'm glad she returned.. you were a sack of potatoes, but look at ya now!" Jesse teased once more, obtaining a playful punch from Jack which seemed quite serious. "Ow ow.. sorry. But.. she returned for us.. but.. especially for ya, Jack." Jesse murmured, his eyes shining lightly with happiness.

"For me.. especially?..." Jack smiled slightly at the thought. He himself was glad that she returned.. he couldn't deny it.. he wanted her back ever since she disappeared. Ana was... his beloved.

While wandering in his thoughts, he was unaware that Anna had approached him. Jesse and Fareeha were nowhere to be seen. It was just him and Ana.

"Never leave me again..."

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