A. Why did I just go from 0 to A? Well. READ THIS.

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part i.
the introduction

I admit that this book itself is cliché. We all know it. It’s inevitable.

But, hey! You’re still here, so. Who cares.

. . . ‘Least I admitted it.

This is not the first book you will see on Wattpad written about the annoying clichés that everyone has reread over and over again. However, this is the first book on Wattpad that is written about annoying clichés that you’ll find in the Discover section, written in my personal opinion.

Because there's only one AwesomelyBlaze here.

And she's right behind me.

. . . Kidding.

There are two reasons I’m writing this. The first is because there are just loads of people trying to figure out what readers would like to read, and what they find cliché. And the second is because, I’m sorry, I just need to rant about some of this stuff, because I think if I talk to myself any more often, my mother, brother, father and next door neighbor will recommend me to a see a psychologist.

So, I’m going to tell you what I would like to read, and what I find cliché.

And if you don’t agree, well, you can always just stop reading.

Because that’s what you do.

When there’s a monkey eating your laptop.

Anyway, let’s move on.

           .          .          .

part ii.
the game

So, what’s going to happen is:

I am going to write a 500+ word story, or excerpt of a story, for each chapter.

Yes, each chapter. And it will either be something you consider cliché, or something you consider to be unique and should be discovered by at least half the population of Wattpad because it’s brilliant.

Then, at the end, you will say whether or not you think the story is cliché, or awesomely-amazingly-fantastically-supercalifragilisticexpialidociously-wonderfully— . . . or, you could just say it’s a unique story.

I mean, yeah, that works, too . . .

Not as exciting, but it’ll do.

And then, following that chapter will be an explanation of why it was cliché or why it was unique. The explanation will be uploaded right after I upload the chapter and receive a few guessing comments.

And by a few, I don’t mean like ten thousand. I mean, like, three.

Because if I were waiting for ten thousand comments the monkey that was eating my laptop would be halfway through eating and digesting my entire house.

Which would suck because then it would probably eat me, considering I would most likely refuse to let go of my refrigerator.

But we’re losing precious time here.

So yes, get ready to spot all the clichés you can possibly think of.

That and commenting as fast as you can.

Let’s see how many typos you come up with.

You know, with the monkey eating your keyboard and all . . .

          *          *          *

Here's an example:

Hayy. Whass crack-a-lackin’.

So, I am supposed to be getting ready to go out. And I’m also supposed to be eating, brushing my teeth ten times, waking up my brother, making breakfast, and saving the planet from mass destruction at the same time, apparently, according to my family.

And I’m just looking at them like:

Guys, if I were an octopus.

I would be an attractive octopus.

And then I would smack all you guys in the face at once, and only then would I do everything listed above.

But I’m actually not an octopus.

So what I’ll do is just individually smack you and then save the world from mass destruction.

See? I can make sacrifices.

           *          *          *

First 500 word chapter coming soon! I have to run errands first, though. It shall be up by tomorrow!

[P.S. Point out any mistakes, and click on the external link, and look at the beautiful poster that I made on the side, because I will forever shamelessly advertise my story Model in Disguise whenever I feel like it. ^.^]


500 Words in a ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now