C. Steroids are not for animals.

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So, that last chapter was long. Longer than 500 words, I can tell you that.

But the last chapter was also supposed to be an example of a twisted version of the cliché. It was supposed to be an example of being inspired and then making something of your own.

Now, I don’t know if anyone’s ever created a story that’s from the other girl’s point of view, and explains exactly how she felt when the “nerd” stole the “popular” guy from her.

And I don’t know if there’s a story out there that portrays this “other” girl as the victim.

And I don’t know if someone made a story where the “other” girl and the “popular guy” got back together, and then the “nerd” came back and the “other girl” was worried about losing her boyfriend again.

But I just did. So. There’s that.

Speaking of, would you guys actually read a story like that if I made one on here? ‘Cause I totally think— . . .

Um. Probably not the time for self-advertisement.


Whatever. Back to the explanation.

          .          .          .

“the other girl”

So we all know who this usually is. But let’s leave that for another time. For now, let’s focus on the fact that whoever this character is, they’re usually portrayed in the same manner.

White. Brown or blonde hair (although usually blonde). Skinny, curvy, and popular.

Because no, there aren’t any popular girls out there who are nice, and yes, everyone who looks like that is an obnoxious person.


. . . Okay, so clearly, in your world, no other race can be popular, if you weigh more than one hundred and twenty pounds you’ve got to go, and God help you if you have red hair.

Where is the logic in this?

Is it with my geometry teacher? Because if it’s with my geometry teacher, we’re all screwed, since he can’t teach anything that has to do with logic for his life.

That and he can’t sing.

Man, that guy sounds like a horse on steroids when he sings.

But that—that is not the point.

The point is, I’d just really like to know why people make all girls look this way in their books.

Since when did all people start looking the same?

Why can’t people make girl characters with a slightly-crooked tooth, who could be really pretty but isn’t considered it because everyone keeps staring at that one imperfection?

Or, why does the girl usually have long brown or blonde hair? Why not give them something that makes their hair at least a little different? Why not give them blue highlights or choppy bangs?

What happened to all the other races in the world, too? Did we have another World War silently overnight that rid the world of all differently colored people?

. . . And why isn’t there a book where a girl has a glass eye, or an eye patch (arg, I’m a pirate)? Or something, some kind of imperfection; we’re not all flawless.

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