Seriously How Did They Not Know What Was Going On

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hi!!!! I'm not dead!! yet!! yeah I know I've been super MIA on here for like a long time, I'm sorry. school is a nightmare dudes. I'd been working on this story a long time ago, then I kinda forgot about it, but I finally got around to finishing it just a couple days ago while I was in the doctors office lol. anyway, I hope you all like this story; I like to try something new with every Samdy story I make so this is quite different than my others. make sure to let me know what you think in the comments, I love hearing from you all!! okay, on to the story!~
(ps picture up there was made by the love of my life PicklesandJam aka @sammylovesbendy on tumblr 🖤🖤🖤)

     All the previous week Bendy had seemed to get overly confident with his relationship with Sammy, and it really showed. Once, Sammy had dropped some of his sheet music while making his way out of the band room, and while he was bent over to grab them the little demon had come along and smacked him hard on the butt with his tail before continuing on his way, trying to hide his giggles. Sammy had yelped unflatteringly, and then his face had turned beet red.
Another day, Sammy had found a piece of paper splattered with ink hanging from his door. In the corner had been the words "BEN THINKN BOUT U!" in messy scrawl, followed by a small drawing of a winking Bendy head. Sammy had instantly known full well what kind of ink was splattered on the page, and exactly how it had gotten there, and he'd choked and yanked it off the door. He had slipped it in his desk drawer, though. He couldn't help himself.
Yes, the entire week, Bendy had seemed to have made it his mission to make people wonder what was going on between them. It wasn't like anyone would ever guess that the music director was in a relationship with a toon who was also another male, but people surely were wondering.
Sammy, meanwhile, was mortified and his paranoia about the whole thing had shot through the roof. But, he was powerless to stop the demon's lewd shenanigans, so he just accepted that he was along for the ride.
He never would've thought the ride would get so rough though, until Monday morning came, and he was in the meeting room with Joey and the rest of the department directors at the studio for their weekly meeting. They had all sat down and the meeting had begun, when Sammy felt something tickling his calf. His eyes widened and he looked down under the table, and was met with the sight of Bendy crouched between his legs, grinning widely and eyes shining. The demon put his finger to his lips and winked, and Sammy looked back up, suddenly feeling like he was suffocating. Apparently Bendy had slipped in the meeting room somehow, and, as Sammy glanced at each of the faces of his coworkers in turn, it appeared they were all none the wiser. Sammy gulped and tugged on the collar of his shirt, as he felt Bendy walking his fingers up his right thigh. He could feel the heat flooding to his cheeks, and his breathing grew more and more ragged as he felt his pants being unbuttoned and unzipped. Sammy leaned forward so that his elbows were on the table, and covered his mouth with his hand. He felt the cool moisture and pressure of what he recognized as Bendy's tongue against his underwear-covered, quickly-hardening member, and squeezed his eyes shut.
"...Sammy?" The music director suddenly heard the voice of Joey Drew addressing him, and in response he opened his eyes back and cupped his chin in his hands, giving his boss a shaky smile.
"Nothing! I'm fine!" He replied, voice a couple octaves higher than normal.
Under the table, Bendy suppressed a chuckle and pulled the waistband of Sammy's underwear down. His length sprang out, and Bendy grinned with his tongue between his teeth in response. Wasting no time, the demon wrapped his gloved hand around Sammy and began stroking quickly.
Above, Sammy let out a quiet whimper, covering his mouth again whilst fighting against the urge to shut his eyes. His brows furrowed in the process.
Bendy gave his balls tiny licks while still pumping his length with his hand, meanwhile Sammy's toes curled in his shoes and he bit down hard enough on his lip to almost draw blood. Bendy's tongue moved up to curl around the base of Sammy's shaft, and the man made a quiet "Hhaah-" sound.
Meanwhile, the meeting was passing as normal, everyone discussing their progress in the last week and their objective for the coming week.
Bendy had just slipped his lips around the top half of his member when, as misfortune might have it, Joey brought the attention to the music director. "So, Sammy, did you finish all the songs I ordered last week?"
Sammy felt sweat brimming the pores of his forehead, as he unclamped his teeth from his lip to respond.
"Yes Ma-" he stopped himself, squeezing his eyes shut and taking a breath to start again
Down below, he could feel Bendy's gloved hand squeezing on his balls and it was all he could to not let out a hoarse whimper. "Yes...sir. Ah- I'll have the band record them a-aas soon as possible."
Shawn Flynn leaned forward to look at him from the couple seats away, a slightly concerned look on his face. "Ye alright there, Sammy? Ye need the bathroom or somethin?"
That got a laugh from the rest of the men around the table.
Sammy shakily cleared his throat and shook his head.
"I'm-mm- perfectly fine, thank you very much," he replied, trying to keep his typical snarky tone from wavering.
Now, Bendy was bobbing his head eagerly on Sammy, sometimes holding the base of his shaft and sometimes reaching back to grab his butt. Sammy visibly shook all over, and a croak barely escaped his throat. He covered his face with his hands and panted quietly, his member throbbing and dripping precum onto Bendy's tongue.
Finally as Joey was wrapping up, Bendy slid Sammy's length out of his mouth and pulled his underwear back over it, before zipping and buttoning his pants overtop. Sammy bit back a whine; despite his shame at the display he had just put on in front of his coworkers, his body ached for more stimulation. He felt the little demon pat his throbbing bulge teasingly, before something pointy, which had to have been his tail, scratched against his leg as if it was writing something.
When the sensation stopped, Sammy glanced down: written messily on his thigh in quickly-fading ink was "MET ME AFTR IF U WANT 2 CUM!"
He looked under the table for Bendy, only to find nothing but the wooden floorboards. Sammy heaved a defeated sigh. That sneaky little devil.

If They Only Knew: another Sammy x Bendy oneshot (NSFW)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon