Chapter 1

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Harry and Louis were the Bonnie and Clyde of the 21st century. No one knew who they were as they had managed to stay undercover so well, but they always assumed that a killer couple was going around. They had settled in Worcester, Massachusetts, and they loved it. It was a quiet neighbourhood, and they were rarely disturbed. They preferred working as a team instead of individually, having become accustomed to relying on each other. They both had each other's backs and made sure that people never knew who they were. It was rare for one of them to make a mistake when they were together. They knew how to disappear out of sight without a trace, and people never suspected them of anything. They would only smile whenever they saw the missing people notices in the papers the next morning.

They enjoyed killing people for fun; they had never worked for anyone as they couldn't trust outsiders. They craved the feeling of seeing red blood dripping down skin or watching the life drain out of someone's eyes.

You would never suspect that a small boy like Louis would be able to commit such a crime but all things wicked must have been innocent at one point. Harry always had something about him that seemed to freak his parents out. From a young age, he had been interested in horror films that showed violent killings or he would pay particular attention to news about serial killers.

They had known each other only for five years, but they both realised that they had the same interests when Harry came across Louis slicing someone's throat open. Louis was surprised when Harry confessed that he too killed people, he was afraid that Harry would leave him once he saw the dead person. It was a learning process for both of them as they learnt something new from each other and were soon the most infamous killer couple in the United States.

Their small home created to make them look like they were a sweet homely couple. They did not want to draw attention towards them.

They weren't married, but they were engaged, Harry finally having the guts to propose to him after three years of being together. Harry had got down on one knee just after they had murdered someone. Both their hands slightly bloody and spots of blood painted their faces. It was the best night of Louis' life in his opinion.

"Louis? Did you want to go on a 'date'?" Harry asked from behind him.

"Yeah, I'm starting to feel like I need one, it's been a while."

Their 'dates' often meant going out to look for someone to kill. They hadn't done one for a few weeks, being more interested in each other rather than looking for their next target. They had quite busy lives, killing aside, and they didn't have much time to go on their 'dates'.

"I'll get it ready boo; you can get your beautiful against."

Louis laughed as he sent a wink in Harry's direction. He ran off towards the bedroom, his eyes drifting over Louis' body.

Harry went over to their cupboard, grabbing their duffel bag from inside. He slipped on some shoes and decided not to wear a coat. It was summer, who wore a coat in the summertime?

"You ready Haz?"

"Hmm...? Yeah, let's go."

Harry grinned as he saw what Louis was wearing. He had a denim romper that came halfway up his thighs while a plain white short sleeved top was underneath. A dark blue denim jacket was to be kept with him in case he got cold. Louis had some blue VANS on with white frilly socks. A pink headscarf was tied in his fluffy hair as well.

"Hey Lou, you look great" Harry smirked.

"I know" Louis grinned as he wiggled his bum at Harry.

"You know, I'll just end up fucking you right on this couch if you do that."

"I wouldn't mind," Louis whispered seductively as he pecked Harry on the lips then strutted off to the car in their garage.

Bonnie & Clyde (alternate ending)Where stories live. Discover now