Chapter 14 - Rescue Fang (Day 2)

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Emily's POV

Currently in the kitchen....

"Ok, so what's next?" Aden asking me.

"I don't know?" I replied.

"What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you the ex-princess shouldn't you know what to do next?" Chris faces me asks.

"Well fine! I do all the thinking." I said "Hmmm". I searched around the kitchen finding something that can lead us to Fang then I spotted something that can lead us directly to him.

"Ok , we'll use this." I said handing over maid uniforms.

"What?! You expect that we guys would wear this? No way!" Aden complains.

"Do you want to get caught in here and blow our plan or do you want to come with us and save Fang?" I suggested.

"Well what do you think Chris?" Aden turns his head and sees Chris already wearing it, "Hey why are wearing it already?!"

"Because I don't to be called a WHINY BABY and besides it seems comfortable." Chris blushes.

"Fine." Aden starts wearing it, "Fine, I should say that it is a bit comfortable." Aden said.

I finish wearing mine and we started to leave but of course we kept alert if there would be any maids that would be roaming around.

We checked every door that we pass but it still has no luck. Until I remembered the hallway and I knew it was going to my room then I finally arrived.I opened the door to see how everything was clean and it was how I left it.I quickly looked for the remote portal for later use then I exited my room . I continued to look for Fang.Until a shock came at me, I heard a laughter , a kids' laughter then I started hallucinating. I saw 2 kids running, a girl and a boy, one was me and the other was Loki.

The little me looked at me with a smile on her face. It seemed she sees me then she said " Follow me!" so I did. I followed her behind my back Chris and Aden followed. The little me and Loki webt inside a room then vanished. I got in front of the room which made me remwmbered it was my father's room. Memories,laughter , everything came back to me. Tears fell down from my eyes because of happiness.

I clunch my fist wanting to knock but hesitates to. But I started to think what if I knocked what will I tell dad? Will I say sorrt?I miss you? My mind was full of questions. But I thought I already have the chance why waste it now? I tried to comfort myself but I continued hesitating.

" Hey all of you! " a voice came it was another maid, "What do you think your standing there for? Go prepare young master's food quickly! Go!" she ordered and we did as followed and I lost my chance to see my father once again.

We prepared the food and went to the 'young master' 's room. I knocked on the door and came in. I wasn't wrong 'young master' is Fang. He notices ne and tells me to bring in his food.

"Hey are you new here?" he asks

I covered half of my face with my bangs but it wasn't enough to make him not recognize me.

"Huh? Mom? What are doing here?" he takes a look the people behing my back, "is that Chris and Aden? Hahaha! Why are both of you wearing made uniforms?" he said while laughing.

"We came here to get you out if here." Chris said as he walks beside me.


"You even dared to asky why? Of course for us to get back to Earth." Chris replies.

"Why would I do that? i love it here,I got everything I need.So why bother to go home."

"Dood, your going to be a king." Aden said standing next to me on the other side.

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