Ch. 22: Unwelcome Visitors

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Eugene sighed heavily as she flipped through channels on the television with her remote. There was only so much she could do besides sleep all day. She couldn't grade assignments because her dominant hand was out of commision. And every typing task had lost its appeal because typing with one hand was torture beyond what Tobias could do.

"Nothing good is on," she muttered.

Suddenly a news story about Black Lightning came on and Eugene perked up. That wasn't good, but it was necessary. Whatever Mr. Pierce had done, Tobias was going to beat her for it and she at least needed to know what it was.

"Witnesses say Black Lightning broke into a drug house on 37th street. Victims were found unconscious and severely burnt..."

Her already nauseous stomach tied into knots. That was another missed opportunity in Tobias' eyes. Yes, she was still injured and technically not required to work a shift tonight, but Tobias was Tobias. She had to be proactive about this. Otherwise, she would get Mom killed within the month.


Eugene put on her helmet before calling Gambi. She couldn't have him recognizing her voice if she was going to do this. Otherwise, this thing would turn into a complete mess.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to get Black Lightning under control," she said. "He's going to get himself in trouble."

"Well, you're talking to the wrong person," said Gambi, his voice hard and cold, "because I have no idea who Black Lightning is or how to contact him."

"I never asked you who Black Lightning is and also, you're lying because you work with him."

"You're delusional," he told her. "And you're not even under control yourself. Both you and Tobias are supposed to be in hiding."

"We'll stay under control if you stay under control. The only reason Tobias is on the warpath is that Black Lightning isn't dead."

"Well, apparently you're not as good of a murderer as you thought," said Gambi. "It's not our fault that Tobias is on your case because you didn't your job properly the first time. Or the second time apparently."

Eugene puffed out her cheeks in frustration. "How about I do my job properly when they do their job properly? 'Cause Mr. Pierce shouting your name from the rooftops while in the suit and Anissa showing her entire face for all of Freeland to see doesn't seem like a job well done."

Gambi spluttered over the phone. "Listen, bitch, you stay the hell away from them or I'll find everyone you care about and--"

Eugene inhaled sharply, more grateful than ever that she was using her voice modifier. If Gambi ever tried that, he was in for a big surprise. "And what? You'll kill them? That's real original."

"I will if that's what it takes to stop you."

"If I wanted to hurt them, I would've told Tobias who they are hours ago and they would be dead already," she said, losing the bravado in her voice. "That's why I'm calling. Because I don't want them to get hurt."

Gambi scoffed. "That's funny. Not twenty-four hours ago, you tried to kill them. That's real funny. Did you hit your head when Anissa smacked you into next month?"

"Come on, we all know Tobias would eat Anissa for breakfast if he found out and--"

"Oh, so this is about Anissa, not Jefferson. Everything's coming together now." Gambi laughed bitterly. "You know, if you really cared about Anissa, you wouldn't have tried to kill her father twice, but okay. I understand."

"I didn't know it was him when I--" That was a lie. She had known the second time. But she tried not to think about the second time.

"I'm not interested in your ulterior motives," said Gambi. "Bye."

"Gambi--" she protested. But he had already hung up.


"You're not supposed to be here. You have warrants all over the city," Gambi growled as Tobias entered the shop.

Tobias chuckled darkly at Gambi's defiance. Despite being the one in the room without powers, the man acted like he was Moses when he was really the Pharaoh about to get all his soldiers drowned by the Red Sea.

"You won't turn me in," he replied. "Unless you want me to snap that wrinkly ass neck of yours."

"And kill the only suit-maker available to you?" said Gambi, unfazed. "Don't think you wanna do that."

"Is that an offer to make me one?"

"Well, as of now the only thing I'm gonna measure for you is a coffin," Gambi said coolly. "But killing me might just delay future offers."

Tobias cracked his knuckles. Every inch of him itched to snap Gambi's neck just like he said he would, but he needed to play his cards right. Unfortunately, Gambi had connections and killing him would piss of Lady Eve, the ASA, and a whole bunch more of dangerous people. So now all Tobias could do was bluff.

And the worst part was Gambi knew he was bluffing.

"Well, lucky for both of us, I don't need a new suit as of now," he said. "I need Black Lightning's suit."

"I don't have it," said Gambi.

Now Gambi was the one bluffing. "We both know that's a lie," Tobias growled.

"It's not," said Gambi. "It's his suit, not mine. It's with him."

"Then tell me where it is."

Gambi stared into Tobias' eyes with a piercing glare. "Do I look like I have a tracker on Black Lightning at all times?"

"Yes. You do," said Tobias, now cracking his neck as he subconsciously did his pre-ass-kicking routine. "Now tell me where he is."

"The only location I'm gonna tell you about is the exit," Gambi retorted, snatching his gun from a nearby table. Sy reacted by taking out her own gun.

"Your clap-backs are becoming a little redundant, Gambi," said Tobias. "Just tell me where Black Lightning is and I'll head right to the exit."

"We had a deal!" Gambi's voice had lost all its calm now. "You stay away from Black Lightning and I won't cause any trouble!"

"The only reason I followed that damn deal was that there wasn't much of a motive to go after a dead body. But now he's not so much of a dead body and I have a motive."

Gambi ran his fingers through his hair with the hand that wasn't holding his gun. "That deal was for you really," he said. "When Black Lightning is through with you, you'll wish he was a dead body."

Tobias silently gestured to Sy that it was time to leave. He had really had enough of Gambi's bluffing for one night and his urges to kill the smartass tailor were beginning to overwhelm him.

"I think it's time for me to leave," he said, giving Gambi one last stare-down before walking toward the exit. "Let me know when you find Black Lightning."

"Go out and find Black Lightning by your own damn self," Gambi called after him.

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