Snow Crystals

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It's winter here again

The streets are hard like the times.

My landlord came by yesterday

twitchy and out the blue says

he's gonna raise my rent.

I tell him to go fuck himself

and he replies "to you too

but have my money by the first John."

There's a panic in the city

pandemonium right beside the park where I live.

Junkies kick rocks on the street

street sweepers miss their debris.

The pigs have swallowed a shipment of slop

they say this one shakes right to the top

the pink fucks pose with their catch

in the local paper no one reads.

The city is dry, the park a desert of moon eyes.

My arm is thirsty for a taste of a forget me not.

A ten dollar score is now twenty five

a five dollar whore raises her price just the same

thieves are on the loose like animals in central zoo let free.

Everyone trying to score, get more of what isn't there.

People say it's an election year that's why.

I ask what election?

No one seems to know, no one cares

everyone just trying to score

taste what isn't there.

There's a panic in the city

foreman says there's no work for idle hands

I start to get nervous see

I'm a germ without my medicine

a devil without my daily fix.

I got a girl with me, a freckly redhead

who I love to bits

but she starts to looks at me funny,

and I look at her funny, twitchy. I see the panic set in.

She says "Just until we get situated again."

They have the days and I the nights,

in bed getting straight together.

Sometimes I listen in the bathroom

and fight the green cannibal.

How long can this go on I ask them?

"Probably two more months, until the election,"

they say. I ask what election?

No one seems to know, no one cares.

Everyone trying to score,

everyone just trying to not get sick.

My girl is going on twenty four

tomorrow her birthday I know, I remember

I wanted to surprise her with an engagement ring

but not anymore, It's not like I remember.

We get tossed out the apartment

I start to toss her around a few times a week

I know some people with a couch we can stay.

I hate myself more each day.

I told her "I'm sorry. I'm a germ without my medicine,

a devil without my fix."

I get my shit together, swallow my pride

and start working for my brother.

He's a boss pushing to the pushers

A pimp telling women the price

of their most private parts.

He looks at my honey funny, twitchy.

A few days later we're in heaven

it's like the hell of winter never happened.

We laugh again

slum down like spoons half dead again

and for those days frail love was precious.

Still, only God forgives not pigs.

They want her to squeal but she won't

they threaten a nightingale with a cage

for two to three over a bug like me.

My bird don't sing.

My brother is hit in a raid

crippled from the neck down

and we descend to depths beyond

like cast away angels.

Next week I'm picked up on a run

she stands outside beside an head porcine

not a sign in her bright green eyes.

She's cries as the lights fade in the night.

Six months later the panic is over

the governor "whoever" was elected in a landslide.

She waits for me outside

blowing in her palms to keep warm

I touch them to mine. Free... 

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