Meeting Me.

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"Makana! It's time to wake up!" my mother called. Her voice sounded like silk, floating through the long hall way. I slowly sat up, rubbing my blue eyes with my pale hands, as long yawn floating from my throat, before I responded, "Alright, mom! I'll be down in a couple of minutes!" I shouted back, throwing my black sheets off of myself.  

When my feet met the ground, I felt something a little... strange. I looked down to check, finding my left foot covered in a green sock, my right, bare. A small chuckle left my lips, "I thought I went to bed with two.." I mumbled to myself, before I shrugged it off and walked towards my closet, pulling out my school uniform. A gray skirt with a white, short sleeved, button up, and the yellow long sleeved sweater vest. Not to mention the red bow. Er.. well.. I don't really like bows that much so I had switched it out with the blue and yellow stripped tie that was meant for the boys. 

A small sigh left my lips when I coulden't find my yellow sweater vest, making my eyes roll, "Miho must have taken it..again." I growled, rubbing my temples. Why did she always insist on taking my clothes...

Still in my pajamas', -which was a black wife beater and loose baggy baby blue pants- I stomped down the hallway, stopping at the second door away from mine. Small pink crowns and random stickers littered the door, along with a pink, glittery word stamped across the door, 'Princess'. Hell no! This little demon was anything besides a Princess!

I raised my right hand, giving a loud, but curt knock to the white wood, taping my foot impatiently, and blowing some of my red hair out of my eyes. Oh yeah- Did I forget to tell you that I'm a ginger? Yep. Complete one, too. Red hair, pale skin and freckles.. everywhere. But at least my freckles are pale and almost unnoticeable. Got that from my mom's side of the family, but my little sister didn't get too lucky. 

After hearing soft footsteps coming from the other side of the door, I stepped back from the door a bit, waiting for it to swing open. When it did, I looked down at my little sister, Miho. A bark of laughter flew from my lips at what I saw. Her ashy, redish-brown hair was pulled into those curl thingies, a white face mask covering her face. Her dark brown freckles covering her arms, from what I could see from under that pink robe. And if that wasn't enough, she was wearing my mothers' pink bathroom robe.

"What?! What's so funny?!" she yelled, putting her hands on her hips as her brown eyes glared daggers at me.  I leaned forward, my hands holding my gut as I continued to laugh. Oh my god! When the hell did she start to do this?! I so have to get pictures and black mail her!

"What..the hell.. is that?" I asked between giggles, looking at her once again, before I began to laugh again. I cannot look at her when that thing is on her face!  Apparently, she didn't like this, so she gave me a small punch on my shoulder. I was about to yell at her, but then, another idea popped into my head. I pretended to fall back in pain, slamming myself against the wall to make it more dramatic. Then I slid down, now banging my fist on the floor while laughing my ass off.

"Stop laughing!" Miho screamed, balling her little hands into fists. I tried, because now, my lungs were starting to ache, and my brain was starting to throb. But.. that face she made! I couldn't help but laugh louder. 

After a couple of long minutes, I stopped, taking in long gulps of sweet oxygen. I looked up from the floor, seeing Miho glaring down at me still, but, the face mask was gone. When did that happen? Did she take it off while I was rolling on the floor and laughing? 

"What do you want?" she scoffed, folding her thin arms over her chest. I then stood to my full height, which was 5'6". She barely reached the middle of my chest, her own height 4'4". I ran a hand through my hair before I glared down at her, our moods switching.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2012 ⏰

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