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TW: cursing, drugs, and a racial slur (not directed towards anyone).
In this story they go to a catholic school, if you aren't catholic you could change some things while you read or if you don't go to catholic school just change religion class to another subject.
* with words is someone thinking.
/ is someone's phone is ringing.
(Y/n)'s POV
"Rich what the hell do you want." I asked.
Rich Goranski, literally an asshole since 2nd grade and I have no idea why.
"I just want to know where Vivian is." Rich replied.
Vivian (y/l/n), my sister, literally always on drugs and hanging out with her bitchy salon coworkers.
"Rich leave me the fuck alone, Vivian is in college she doesn't have time for plebs like you." I said.
"What's the matter (y/n) are you scared, gonna go run and tell your mommy oh wait, YOU DONT HAVE ONE!" Rich said snickering.
Jake approached Rich, resting his elbow on his shoulder.
"Yeah (y/n) go ahead run along home and whine all night." Jake said.
Jake Dillinger, he used to be so sweet, we were neighbors and he was even being called my kindergarten boyfriend for a while until he went through puberty and became popular.
Those words hurt but I was used to it by now.
"I'm gonna fucking beat his ass." Connor said under his breath.
"Connor no, it's fine really, I'm fine."
Jared and Evan went to the schedule table and Connor walked away while giving Rich a dirty look and flipping him off.
*for a catholic school we get away with a lot of shit*
I decided to go to homeroom because that's what I'm here for.
{time skip}
Jeremy's POV
I walked into the lunchroom looking for my cult I call a friend group.
"Hey guys." I said while putting down my lunch tray.
"Hey Jeremy so for the project we're in a group with (y/n) and we're planning on going to his/hers/there house to work on it after school." Carmen said while getting up to meet Michael and Connor behind the school to smoke.
[a/n]: yes this is a project I need to do in my school for the summer reading book.
"Sounds good." I said while stabbing and eating a piece of school lunch salad.
*shit this is bad salad*
I closed the container and pushed it away from me.
*well I guess school lemonade is the only redeeming part about today*
"So I guess this is gonna be like last year, just me, you, (y/n), Evan, and Veronica." Jared said.
"Yep, that's how it's been since 8th grade." Veronica said while closing her diary.
{Time Skip Because I'm A Hoe}
Michael's POV
Ah, religion class. The bullshit you teach us. It's not even 12:55 and I'm already done with life. So, after deciding to actually try to pay attention just this once because it's the first day of school, I take out my notebook and start to take notes, obviously. What else am I supposed to do? Become a drag queen? Anyway, after only getting a few words down, someone's phone starts to ring. Loudly. /Hail Satan Hail Satan Hail Satan/ Rich starts digging around in his bag.
Wow. Answering right in class. What a surprise. "What?! The cult meeting's been moved?! But I worked so hard on the ceremonial robes! What? No, I don't have the sacrifice or the matches! I thought you had them! Alright, I'll try and get them soon." Rich stops talking for awhile, then suddenly yells, "HOLY HELL!" And draws the shape of a pentagram on his chest. "Ok. Ok. But they'll still be there? Ok. Good. Bye. Hail Satan." Finally he hangs up. Everyone in the room is staring at him.
"Sorry, something on my schedule was changed and I had to take care of it." The teacher coughs. "Rich?" He says.
"What? Did he ask me a question?" Rich asks Jake. "JESUS! It's religion class! Jesus is always the answer!" Then, pleased with the situation, Rich promptly dropped his head onto his desk and closed his eyes. Well, that was the most exciting religion class I've had since 9th grade when our pastor made a rap that repeated "Jesus Christ is my nigger" multiple times. Later, he was informed that this was a racial slur by one of the parents and changed it to "my homie" instead. It still sucked.
P.S. You remember Lucifer? He is even Spookier!😈

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