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A/N: I haven't been active so take this long ass chapter
TW: Cursing and drugs
Enjoy :))

Carmens POV

"Goranski you are a fucking idiot."
"It exists Carmen, your just too high to believe a thing."Rich said while putting an arm around Vivian's waist.
"Hey everyone I have snacks." Mrs. Hansen said while setting the plate of snacks on the floor.
"Thanks Aunt Heidi." (y/n) said with a smile.
"I don't know Carmen, what if it's true?" Jeremy questioned.
"Are you serious Rich, it's from Japan who knows if it's a.) legal or b.) safe."
I only knew this was a grey pill and it was from Japan but I was not cool with it. Who knows these things could be dangerous.
"Well we have one more question for chapter 1 so once we finish it we can go and check it out. Annnddddd I heard there is giant sale at Forever 21 so this can benefit you" (y/n) said while popping a baby carrot in their mouth.
"You can't be serious" I grumbled.
"So it's settled, pop into Viv's room when your done with your gay project, but knock first." Rich said.
"Fuck you." I said bluntly while flipping Rich off. He snickered as he left.
{time skippp}
"You better not be conceiving a child in there." (Y/n) said while banging on Vivian's door.
"Jesus we weren't calm the hell down." Rich said while exiting the room.
We all eventually got our things together and found ourselves crammed in the back of Riches Lexus ES 300.
"Move over (y/n)."
"Jeremy where do you expect me to go." (Y/n) said.
"Guys calm down, the mall is only 10 minutes away you will survive." Vivian said while turning herself around from the front seat.
"So this pill thing, what is it?" I asked Rich.
"It's a Squip."
"You got quick?" Jeremy asked.
"No idiot."
"I've just never heard of it before." (Y/n) said.
"Yeah, that's the point this is some top secret can even look it up ok the internet type of shit." Rich said.
"So what the fuck is it." I asked.
"Its a grey oblong pill, quantum nanotechnology CPU. The quantum computer in the pill will travel through your blood, implant itself in your brain, and tell you what to do." He explained.
"So, it's like.... drugs?" Jeremy asked.
"Hm. It's better than drugs Jeremy........ITS FROM JAPANNNNNNNN." Rich screeched
"Rich, what exactly is the point of this. It-it sounds dangerous." Jeremy asked.
"It helps you to be cool, helps you rule, and it helps you get the ladies/men besides your so thirsty for red hoodie boy this should help." Rich said as he pulled into the nearest parking space.
Jeremy's eyes widened and his face went bright red "shut your mouth Goranski, your no better every five seconds your all over a new boyfriend or girlfriend"
Rich scoffed "You shouldn't make fun of someone's sexuality Heere."
The car went silent which was shocking because we're loud restless teens.
"Where the hell do we have to go." I asked attempting to break the silence.
"Payless, follow me. I don't want to blow my cover." Rich said quietly while shutting his car door.
"This better not be some drug bust, and if it is so help me." (Y/n) said "Besides this better be quick I need to meet Kevin near Hot Topic, something about the school newspaper." They added.
Me and Kevin have know each other for forever, he was the only one that would talk to me after Jakey Asshole Dillinger started to make fun of me for not having a family even though he didn't have one either.
"Yeah (y/n)'s right, we could get into a lot of trouble. And us being in our school uniforms doesn't help, like yeah some of us are legally adults but still." Jeremy said while kicking a pebble across the parking lot.
As we entered the mall through the Macy's entrance I was slapped in the face with bad perfume and cologne, it basically smelt like the hallway after gym except there was no sweaty smell which was a relief.
{mini time skip}
Carmens POV
This is crazy, but hey anything to fix my shitty life. I watched as Vivian went to the food court, and Rich walking up to the scary stock-boy, Rich explaining something to him in a whisper and, his face lighting up as he  explained this fucking thing for the 10th time, when he was done me, Jeremy, and (y/n) quickly handed over $1800 and received a size 6 women's sketchers shoe box.
"I-uh- thANKS." Jeremy squeaked out as he pulled Carmen and I out the door.
"Well what the fuck do we do now? We have the thing what do we need?" (Y/n) asked.
"Viv is on her way back from the food court, she bought three bottles of Mountain Dew, take that with the pill and boom your problems are solved"
I honestly love Rich, no hetero though but like sometimes his ideas aren't the best. I only came along for the wild adventure of buying one because who knows, maybe this guy can hook me up with some weed for Connor, Michael, and I to smoke together, and maybe this SQUIP thing can improve my life.
After a few minutes I decided to pull out my phone and check my dumbass friends Snapchat stories, when I looked up I saw a distant little dot with short brown and purple hair, great Vivian is back. I put my phone away and Rich, Jeremy, (y/n), and I walked towards her.
"You got the goods?" Rich asked.
"You know it."
"Ok so here's the thing, you should take the SQUIP like a normal pill, place it on your tongue and let the Mountain Dew carry it down, after maybe 15-20 minutes you will see some results." Rich said.
He handed Jeremy, (y/n), and I each a small grey oblong pill and bottle of Mountain Dew.
"So what if-" Jeremy tried to ask but was cut off by Rich.
"No questions, simply take it with the instructions I gave you and watch your entire life to from sad to interesting to hip." Rich replied.
"I uh gotta bounce so bye." He added while grabbing Vivian's hand and waking off.
Jeremy's phone buzzed and he took it out of his pocket.
"Oh uh Michael is here, apparently he got his case of Ecto-Cooler from Spencer's. I'm gonna go met up with him, talk to you guys later." Jeremy said.
"The fuck is Ecto-Cooler?" I asked.
"The drink from like the 90s that was part of the  Ghostbusters movie promotion, apparently it tastes like ghosts!" He replies excitedly.
"Ok well bye."
"Bye Jeremy." (y/n) said.
"So, I heard Forever 420 was having a good sale on clothes, wanna check it out?" I asked (y/n).
"Uh yeah sure." They replied.
"Awesome, lets go."
{time skip}
(y/n) POV
"I legitimately cannot believe you spent $175 on clothes." I said to Carmen.
"Uhh a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do, being hot is like my thing so I gotta fuel it and keep up my reputation."
"This is why I'm friends with you, seeing your shenanigans and making sure you don't die."
"Oh uh hey I should probably go, it's getting late and I gotta study for Mr. Miranda's science test tomorrow."
"Ok bye, I'll call you later."
"Yep same here bye."
As I walked out of the mall I realized I'm screwed because I walked to school and Rich drove me to the mall. Ugh can't I get a break? I pulled out my phone and called none other than the Insanely Cool Jared Kleinman, since I've known him since forever and he's probably not doing anything. I clicked on his contact and pressed call, after a few rings he picked up.
"Hey uh Jared it's me (y/n) I was wondering could you like pick me up at the mall and drop me off at my house?"
"Uhh why don't you drive your own car?"
"Because I walked to school with you, Connor, Evan, and Zoe and Rich drove me here."
"Ok fine, I'm only doing this because we're really good friends and practically brother and sister."
"Ok good, thanks I'll find a way to repay you."
"Alright, give me like 5 minutes and I'll be there in 10."
"Ok, thanks bye."
I hung up and waited on a bench outside the door, I could tell I was being judged when this man who had black hair with frosted tips wearing platform shoes and a fancy suit holding a fan that said shade stared at me and then whispered to his friends who giggled.
Yeah I think it's time Jared picked me up.
10 minutes passed and I finally saw Jared's silver Lexus roll up.
"Get in loser, I'm taking you home."
"I laughed and hopped in his car."
{time skip}
"So that's what you were doing at the mall?" Jared said.
"Well yeah how bad could it be, my life sucks so maybe this will improve it."
"Maybe but it sounds dangerous, I don't know maybe it's not, I'm probably just paranoid."
"Well if it helps and if you want one Rich can get you one for a discount."
"Yeah I guess, anyway this is your stop."
"Yep, see you tomorrow I guess, or I'll text you in 4 hours when I can't sleep and I'm sending you memes."
I gathered my bag and shut the car door when Jared rolled down the window and called my name.
"Just stay safe, your the only real close friend I have and I don't want to lose you to some stupid drug."
"Jared I'll be fine, if it makes you feel any better I'll even take it right in front of you."
"Ok, uh goodnight I guess."
I walked away and up the driveway straight to my room, I put the Mountain Dew in my desk drawer and the pill in my small ring dish. After I finished studying I got ready for bed and lied down. Maybe this whole SQUIP thing won't be too bad, maybe I won't be such a loser anymore. Just like that I was off to bed, wondering what will happen the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2019 ⏰

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