Ok sorry

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Hie it's Mallory👋


Sorry for not updating lately... she wants me to update an klangst and I'm just over here like
"hOw thE fUCk dO I jUSt wrITe a klAnGSt whEn I jUst DId a smUt!?"

Welp that means I gotta think of something to add up to that so maybe in like 2 chapters there will be klangst so just expect an argument at some point??? I'm not sure how to achieve her goals😂😖😅and in all honesty I don't publish anything unless if I feel it's good so yeeeee :/

BUt I CAN promise a published chapter
by !!!!!NEXT WEEK!!!!!
So just be warned that it's gonna be intense as she wants😰and I can't really do anything about it X/ all I can do is write it detailed, or write it un-detailed... me being me I'm gonna write it detailed.... so sorry for the wrath that might come your way </3

oooOoOf ok well I just want you guys to basically give her some luck! Her phone broke and she can't get on the app because of it and it's killing her inside more then she already feels💔please send her the best of wishes for a new phone so she can be back I know you guys miss her!!!

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