Ever Feel like...

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Ever feel like you aren't good enough?
Even though you try your hardest you still aren't good enough?
The feeling you get when you look at yourself in the mirror and you are just disgusted by your appearance?
How you try your hardest and do the best you can but they still want more?
Ever had the feeling that you aren't wanted?
That your presence is repulsed?
That they wish you weren't here?
Or simply that you are invisible?
The only reason why you are wanted is to do their work?
You take a picture with a group an you see how you stand out like the sore thumb.
You begin to hate yourself.
You try to change.
So they accept you.
So you can liked, loved, and appreciated.
When the fact is that you must accept yourself.
It's not about them accepting you.
It's about you accepting yourself.
It's your life not theirs.
You are the way you are.
You were born this way.
Accept it.
Love yourself.
Love who you are.
If you don't know who you are then look deep down and find yourself.
You might not be who you are because of them.
You got so used to being someone that's not you that you forgot what it's like to be you.
In the end you will be happy
You can change yourself so many times. You can lose weight. Hurt yourself. Gain weight. throw up. Not eat. Paint yourself. Do surgeries. change of attitude. Etc...
In the end you must be yourself wether they like you or not. Chances are that there's someone out there who loves you for you.
And well if not them I'm here for you. I can't take away pain. Believe me I wish I could. But at least I can listen. I can hear your story. I can be there for you.
Just don't give up
It's hard I know but don't give up. Life keeps going.

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