III. Footman's Shopping List

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March 3

- Arsenic

- Tarot cards

- Black Silk – 50 yards

- Lavender Oil – 6 bottles

- Bosom Rings (do not question me why I'm asking you to purchase this, or you will die)

- Iodine Salts for Katherine's weird experiments

- Beef

- Potatoes - 6 sacks

- Rosemary

- Eucalyptus Oil - 5 bottles

- Honey – 30 jars

- Eldarberries from Ainsley's Apothecary as requested by the missus

- Carpets from Hawthorne's - 3 rolls, 10 by 5 yards

- Random Curiosities (Just buy another clock with hieroglyphics for goodness sakes. The count will not care)

- An erotic photograph if you could find one, for the amusement of the gentlemen

... ... ...

Froilan Rhodes scratched his head in a mix of shock and amusement. Mr. Matthews definitely had a dark sense of humor. But of course, Froilan was used to the odd ministrations of the Faelore Household servants. A good footman does not question a gentleman's purchase items, however perverse or odd they may be. (He wondered how in the seven hells he was supposed to carry sacks, jars and bottles and carpets all by himself, but they might have over-estimated his skill as a valravyn he supposed.)

Shaking his head, he pocketed the small parchment and went on his way. It would do him ill if a lady found him with such an offending object—let alone if it was Mrs. Ashfield who would. The housekeeper would give him an earful for sure.

Jolly good thing he found a good parking spot. Now he can set out to do his shopping duties.

Mr. Rhodes, we need your help.

Was that Katherine he heard just then? He perked his ears, drowning out the sounds of the downtown hustle and bustle. Above the grey bog of London's polluted air, Froilan heard the flapping of wings, and then the stream of static. A downward plunge and—yes, his senses had lead him to downtown Aster.

By jove! Chills ran through his skin as soon as he detected Katherine's presence. He could smell the powder she conjured in the air, as well as taste the strange energy permeating an establishment filled with metals, books, bricks and iron...

Froilan swallowed. His mouth suddenly felt dry. The air tasted like blood and metal.

There's a damned magician in their midst. Fuck.

"And I thought we were just shopping today." He sighed. He walked towards a nearby alley, discretely loosening the collar of his shirt. "They should know how hard it is to transform in broad daylight."

Rhodes! Turn into a crow and fly here already!

Froilan tutted. He kept telling Katherine and the others that no he was definitely not a crow! He was a raven. Big difference.

I don't care. Just come here already!

He looked to the left and then to the right, all the while loosening his cuffs and pulling out his shirt from his trousers.

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