IV. Spells for the Missus

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March 2, 1888

Dear Mrs. Ashfield,

As requested, here is the excerpt from old Nan's spell book:

A spell for the covetous:

"Ash and burning sand come forth,

Fill the gob of avarice,

Slit the throat, rip the lip, tight as the greedy grip,

Ash and burning sand,

Come curse the avaricious hand."

I am not certain if this is what you are looking for, Mrs. Ashfield. If the man you wish to curse has a strong affinity to light, I doubt this spell would work at all.

Good luck to you.


Ms. Lorelei Engle

... ... ...

Jen Ashfield waited patiently at the front steps of the Faelore's patio. Despite the chilly March air, Jen made do with her thin shawl, too stubborn to get back inside for the sake of changing into warmer wear. Kleena knows it was too early in the morning for the earl to get on her nerves. If the man knew how much hassle it took to prepare breakfast, he wouldn't have stormed off unannounced like the complete prick he was.

Then again, had the lord known of her efforts he would have sauntered off into the city either way.

She pulled the piece of paper she received from Ms. Engle of the Godwin House not too long ago. Jen smirked to herself. It was just the spell she needed to put the earl in his place.

Her eyes caught the iron gates of the estate opened. A black automobile drove through the path signaling the lord's return.

Jen hid the spell in her pockets upon hearing Lucian's car stop. She fought against gritting her teeth in annoyance. The obviously smug look in his eyes spoke volumes as he went out of the vehicle with a new little curiosity in tow.

Wait, was that a little girl?

"Ah, Mrs. Ashfield!" the lord greeted chirpily, tipping his hat. "Top of the morning!"

"Ye seem rather full of beans today, my lord," Jen replied, feigning pleasantry.

Lucian grinned—smile hurriedly disappearing as he regarded the housekeeper. He stared at the missus in suspicion. "You look like some knob cheesed you off Mrs. Ashfield."

She was very cheesed off indeed. "It would 'ave been jolly good for my lord to inform his maidservants that he'd go off on a morning romp and return on the noon. Would 'ave saved us girls the hassle of preparing breakfast," she bowed slowly while keeping her eyes on the lord, "don't you agree, sir?"

Lucian visibly gulped. Jen saw how he struggled to keep his cool, smirking while she heard Allen and Katherine snicker behind him. Under normal circumstances, a housekeeper would have been shamed for speaking to the lord in such a manner.

But the lord knew better than to stoke the ire of banshees. Silence was the correct move. Good man.

She descended the front steps, inspecting the child that Allen carried. Upon closer look, she found that it was no child, but a doll that spectacularly resembled one. Jen pursed her lips and nodded slowly. At least this time, the lord made a purchase worthy of his collection.

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