The Kids Ch. 1

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"Woah!" Tiago chirped up as he prodded a dead capybara with a stick. "Wicked."

Bia Shook her head in dismay at the immaturity her brother was displaying. "Seriously?"

Carla was of course, off with Nico and Pedro trying to audition some animals, Dad was probably sleeping in, and Mom was off with the flirtatious, Roberto. Something about Roberto pulled at Bia's feathers. Whenever she would Try to think of her "Uncle" she would feel very uncomfortable.

It seems like there's something between Mom and him... Should I try to warn Dad? 

It was an adult matter, after all. 

"Kids?" Their father's voice echoed from around the treetop. "Kids!"

Bia and Tiago flapped up to the highest branch and they caught a glimpse of their 'always jumpy' father. "Dad! Look what we found!"

Blu convulsed as he saw the dead capybara. "AHH!"

"Cool right?" Tiago spoke in a smug manner.

"UH, NO!" Blu squawked in fear. "Wait until your mother hears-!"

Bia watched as he hesitated in thought. He gulped. "Bia, you do know where she is right?"

Bia gathered up the courage to tell him. "She's with... Uncle Roberto."

"Oh boy!" Blu sounded angry. "Great, that's all I need."

"Tiago, can you go back to camp? I need to talk to Dad about something." Bia urged for him to go.

"Later sissies!" Tiago left the two on the branch and flapped towards the direction of the camp.

Blu looked at Bia in concern. "Is something up?"

"Yes actually. What's going on with you and Mom?" Bia did not wait to question her 'wimpy' father.

"So you've seen? This is an adult matter." Blu spoke harshly. "Bia you wouldn't understand." 

Bia ruffled her feathers in anger. "Why not?!"

"Because you're just too young to understand anything!" Blu screamed in her face, then realizing his mistake. "Oh, Bia I'm sorry..."

Bia's head drooped in frustration. "She's always with Roberto..." 

"I know..." Blu put his wing around his daughter.

"You won't ever die will you?" Bia looked up at her father, a scared look in her eyes. 

"Bia? Why would you ask that sort of question?" Blu didn't understand his daughter's sudden fear.

"Because Roberto told our grandfather that once you die out here trying to survive that he needs to enter our lives and mate with Jewel." Bia blurted out.

"WHAT?!" Blu screeched. "NOT ACCEPTABLE!"




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