Part Seven

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Enoch's POV;

With as steady hands as I could manage, I started cleaning the blood from Miss Peregrine's face as Emma undessed her. The clothes pealed away with a sticky sound, proof of the amount of blood on her clothes and body.

As I was finishing up washing Miss Peregrine's face, I heard a gasp from Emma. Swallowing the awkwardness, I turned to look at what she was gasping at. My eyes widened.

On Miss Peregrine's chest, near her collarbones, and torso was a multitude of cuts. Surgical cuts that seemed to have been done with a scalpel, but covered up with her clothing rather than bandages or stitches.

I quickly moved away from Miss Peregrine's face and to her body. I covered some of the cuts with the dry flannel rather than the one I had been using. "She's bleeding out. Quick, fetch some cloths," I ordered Emma. She nodded mutely and left the room as fast as she could with her lead shoes.

My hands shook as I put pressure on the cuts that the flannel could cover. I used her clothes to cover the others, but some of them were still visible. "I'm sorry, Miss P... I'm so sorry this happened to you. You don't deserve this," I muttered and stubbornly blinked back tears.

The sound of stomping feet and the door opening drew my attention and I quietly cleared my throat, schooling my features and going back to my usual self. Emma walked up to stand beside me and handed me a bunch of cloths.

I thanked her and quickly started putting them on the several cuts on Miss P's body. "Hold these and put pressure on them. We have to stop the bleeding. Im going to get Jake," I told Emma.

"Why do you need Jake?" Emma asked as she put pressure on the cloths. "Extra hand. Unless you wanna keep alternating between alls these cloths?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Emma sighed and shook her head. I nodded then left the room to go find Portman.

The second I exited the room, I ran into Millard. He was about to enter the room. In his hand, he held what looked to be a caniser equipped with a mask. Oxygen, I quickly realised. "Millard, where did you get that?" I asked before he could say anything. "The pharmacy down the street," he said casually.

"Did you steal it?"

"Of course," he replied. I sighed.


"I thought you might need it for Miss P," he pointed out. It was true. Miss Peregrine was losing so muh blood we were at risk of losing her. We might need the oxygen. "Thank you, Millard," I said. I took the oxygen from him and before I re-entered the room with Miss P, I turned back to Millard, "can you get Jake and tell him to come in here?" I requested. Millard told me he would and walked off. I went back into the room with Emma and Miss Peregrine.

Currently, Emma was swapping between which cloth she was putting pressure on, obviously trying her hardest, but failing.

I walked up to Miss Peregrine and put the mask with oxygen over her nose and mouth. Soon enough, the sound of heavy breathing filled the room. I breathed a sigh of relief. As long as I could hear she was still breathing, that was one less problem to worry about.

"Where did you get that?" Emma asked as I put pressure on some of the cuts for her so she could do others. "Millard stole it from the pharmacy. Thought we might need it," I explained. Emma raised and eyebrow but didn't comment on it.

A few seconds later, Jake walked in. I stepped back from Miss Peregrine and rushed him over to take over for me. "Um, okay," Jake said when I ordered him to hold the cloths. "Hello to you, too," he muttered.

With Emma and Jake holding the cloths n the cuts, I moved over to my med kit and opened it up. Inside was a multitude of stuff ranging from bandages to needles.

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