2- Newbee

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Wonyoung's POV

The next day, I excitedly wear my clothes being prepared to go back schooling which I liked the most.

By the way I wear jeans and a simple t-shirt

"Hey! What's with that look?!" Yujin just appearing in front of me

"Why? It's cute?!" Moaning at her

The old Jang Wonyoung is back..."she said lifting her brows up

"Then should I change?"

"Yes and Quickly!" She scolded, pushing me back to my room

A minute past Yujin decided to go upstairs and knocked at Wonyoung's room

"Aren't you done yet?!" She scolded

Is she running for the clock?

I'm just going to changed

"Just take for a while!" Wonyoung shouted back while rushingly fixing her things

Wonyoung and Yujin who just arrived at the school take part ways heading back to their classroom

Wonyoung who feels nervous talking to herself was timidly reaction if she's going to enter the classroom or not

I'll make a bet cause I'm having this gut-feeling that there would be something going to happen

Though it's not my first time in schooling, I can also feel the nervousness of having a first day

A slowly opening of the door makes Wonyoung's heart starts to beat a loud, thrilling herself in her new day

A/N: the open and closed parenthesis means they are speaking in Korean

"(Oh! sorry,
Good Morning everyone)" Wonyoung bowing to everyone and slowly walking away like she never seen

"(Sorry but you need to introduce yourself first)" The teacher stops her

"(Oh S-sorry....
Good Morning again My name is Jang Wonyoung, I'm a new bee here so I hope we can all be friends)" she said bowing again

"(Okay you may now find your sit)" the teacher said and let Wonyoung to find her own spot

Wonyoung tried her best not to disturbed the class but the students keeps on buzzing, murmuring around her way through them

Wonyoung just mind their own business and sit near at the window

"(Hey you can sit here)" the boy speaking at the other side of her which she give a look

"(Thank you but I just find a desk beside the window
sorry...)" She replied neglecting his offered

At the end of the class everyone were out leaving the room messy

"(Hey what's your name?!)" Asked by the girl with a kinda black-oranged hair, has bangs and cute face

"C'mon I'm not mean...

Wait let me help you clean the mess and
by the way I'm Chaewon" making a handshake on Wonyoung

"You're speaking in English?!!...

She just nodded at her

"I'm Jang Wonyoung" Wonyoung felt glad that someone can understand her

"Aren't you going home yet?!" Chaewon asked her

"Oh yes~" someone shut Wonyoung's word

Lets joined the edition!!" Yunjin entering the classroom with a loud noise of her voice

"Hey don't be a kid Yunjin!!!" Chaewon scolded

"Wait you know each other?!" Wonyoung asked as she seems that they are friends

"Oh yeah~~~

I forgot she's also my best friend, Wonyoung!" Yunjin replied putting her arms in Chaewon's shoulder

"Hey you're so heavy!!!" Chaewon confronted her

"Seriously? Im not!" She confront back and frowned at her

"Back to reality
lets joined here!!" she added while modelling the paper for us

don't do that!
It doesn't suit you!" Chaewon started teasing her again

"Tsk!, you're just jealous" Yunjin replied making a poker face


this two makes me feel more irritated

but they are a little bit funny

"Okay fine! Just stop teasing each other okay?!" I entered their conversation just to cut their teasing scene before it can go to fighting scene

"Then lets go!" They said as quickly grabbing my hands and go to the audition room

Seriously I'm going to join this?! I whispered to myself

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