12- Plan

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Its been a while since we've debuted our new MV and it was called La Vienna Rose
It takes more time to practiced a lot and attend many shows just to promote our new song

I posted a picture on my private account where my co~members and my friends can only see my posts
Jang Wonyoung


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Ahn Yujin: you didn't even left me some :<

Chaewon: so poor @Ahn Yujin

Guanlin: @Park Jihoon...

Park Jihoon:

Nayeon: ayiee!! Something is going on here

I was going to comment back but Eunbi called me

"We're going to start!" She said knocking so many times

"Here I come!" I shouted and went out

We've been practicing our new song for the tomorrow's event and I feel so tired ...


Jihoon's POV

"Do we have a meeting for tomorrow?" I asked Daniel

"Why you're going somewhere?" He gave me a answered- question

"Yeah, maybe but don't tell it to our manager" I said pleasing him

"Okay okay then good luck!" he smirked and tapping my back

If you're going to asked me I'm going to visit the IZ*ONE

A/N: Really?! Or you're going to see Jang Wonyoung😏

Uhm..... (his face begin to turned red)

"Here is the mascot" Daehwi said being supportive

"Wow Jihoon ah!~" they appeared teasing on me


I wake up early just to go out of our building before anyone can saw me

I usually wear a black jacket, a mask and a hat that covered my whole face

I quickly went inside the car

"Where are we going sir in this edge of the night?" My driver asked still on a sleepy face

"In the baseball stadium...

Im sorry for waking you up...

Here" I replied giving a coffee on him before we go


We take off on the parking area where there's no one and I just take a nap for awhile...

just a little while


A minutes Later

"Sir! There's a lot of people here" He scolded, waking me up

"It's okay they won't see us" I said still on sleepy voice

"But sir it will start in 5 minutes!!!"
He reminded which I quickly opened my eyes, realizing what I was planned to do

"Thank you!"

He stops me
"Aren't you going to escape from them?" Pointing the medias who's waiting for the IZ*ONE

"Oh yah~ yah~~ thank you once again" and silently opened the car's door

"and by the way don't go out when there's a media" I said reminding him when I quickly went out

I lay my body lower and try to hide from the medias it feels like I'm playing hide and seek

I was going to move forward but then someone noticed me

"I think someone is there?" They said and going near and near at me


it's just a cat!... it shocks me"

Stop making an illusion lets go back now!" They said


I quickly go inside and wear the head of the mascot

"Oh you're too early!

Why are you wearing that?" The boy in front get blocked on my way

"Hey are you sick?" He once again said when I didn't replied back and this time he was forcing me to removed my masked

I tried to lower my voice
" Im Fine
I'm just going to change" then quickly running away from him

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