Introducing Prologue

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Abyss; a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm.
Chasm; a deep fissure in the earth's surface.
Mage; a magician or learned person.

[the rest you should know^, or feel free to ask me in the comment sections if you are still confused.]


Jimin: A evil abyss's strongest demon warrior.
Used to be a kind-hearted elf before he was sacrificed.

Jungkook: One of the strongest demon hunter fire mage. Jimin's ex lover before Jimin was sacrificed.

Taehyung: Jimin's bestfriend, a powerful abyss's demon yet still kind hearted. Taehyung was being sacrificed too.

Min yoongi: A mage genius, his prediction is always accurate.

Jung hoseok: Abyss's demon warrior. Taehyung's ex lover.

Kim Namjoon: Mage of destruction. Likes Seokjin.

Kim Seokjin: Mage of wisdom. Likes Namjoon.

Bang Si Hyuk(Bang PD-nim): Ruler and king of Bang kingdom.

Place the story plot will be at: The bang kingdom's castle and it's fairly large village land.

sexual matters✔️
mature stuffs✔️
{don't worry, there won't be any major character deaths !}

Bottom Jimin
Top Jungkook

More details and plot will be revealed along. i promise it's gonna be interesting if you understand the plot.

Do you guys like this kind of fanfic? Are you guys interested? Please do let me know so i can continue! Thankyou :)

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