The Beginning of the Beginning

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A slight breeze made it's way over the trees as the branches moved ever so gently, the green fresh leaves swaying with it. The birds chirping loudly to each other, as if they were communicating. In the background, the sky was bright blue with clouds scattering across them. If anyone were to witness that view, they would be amazed.

In the Southern Moniyan Kingdom, a bottomless abyss is carved into a barren landscape— As if an ancient demon a terrifying blade to permanently scar the outskirts of the kingdom. The local people there called the place,  The Shadow Abyss.

Little did the world know, sealed away at the bottom of the Abyss lies the Kingdom most terrifying demon, the Abyss's Dominator. Yet, now it is possessed by Park Jimin.

Over the centuries, the seal on the Abyss has slowly faded and weakened, giving way to the hungry will of the Abyss. The demons that manage to get out of the Abyss tirelessly schemed of ways to strengthen their power over the darkness. They wanted to destroy the world.

Some of the misguided believers offered sacrifices to the Abyss, unknowingly feeding the demons. They think that by doing so, they get to be immortal and live forever.

One day, Park Jimin, a young human elf was sacrificed by fanatic believers in exchanged for immortality. Elves being the Demon's favourite, Park Jimin was merciless thrown into the Abyss hole pit.

He was loved deeply. Everyone knew him as the kind, selfless Park Jimin. He even had a lover. But because of his neglected awareness, he took the wrong path to get back to his home and was captured by the misguided believers.

The abyss demon filled Jimin with desperation and pain, which coursed through every vein of his young body. Just as Jimin was about to consume by the darkness, a miracle occurred. A mysterious, warm blue light enveloped him and appeared to be battling with the darkness over control with his fragile body.

When Jimin woke up, he found himself still lying in the abyss. But his skin now turned in a pale blue shade and his once hazel brown beautiful eyes were filled with a majestic scarlet grow, in contrast with his skin tone. The demon frantically wondered what had happened.

The dominator of abyss then spoke "This boy is loved deeply, and this love protected him from being consumed by darkness. The Abyss and the Moon God, two opposing forces, have reached a balance within his body. He will become the strongest warrior of the Abyss!"

The demons obeyed the commands and left Jimin as he was. When Jimin stood before the inhabitants of the Abyss, with the Abyssal Demon by his side, he had completely forgotten about his past. He couldn't remember anything, and didn't even bothered to ask. His will of killing is stronger.

Jimin quickly discovered he could manipulate the dark magic of the Abyss. He could absorb all the Abyss power into his body and capable of tearing his enemies into shreds. He had officially became the ruler of the Abyss. But even the Demons, felt unsettled when they laid eyes upon the young human elf. Not only because the Dominator chose him, but also because they could sense a terrifying power within this seemingly-cute and mischievous elf named, Park Jimin.

Jeon Jungkook.

"General Jeon, we still did not manage to find who killed the innocents villagers after all these months. The only clue we ever had was that they were all surrounded by dark magic. Which have means an evil mage or demon had killed them." One of the Jungkook's men under him spoke timidly.

The latter furrowed his brows as he let out a nod, indicating for the guard to gently get out of the imperial meeting dorm before he lash out on him.

Soon after he closed the file that was about the case, and went back his own dorm. The way he walks, strongly implied that he had a strong will of a good heart, yet could be arrogant at times. His shoulders moved front and back alternately , head faced up proudly as he clenched his jaw.

He had a golden toned skin, hair neatly swiped to the right, revealing his forehead.  His mouth always stayed in a thin line, which doesn't look very friendly but everyone knows he can be funny and easy-going at times. Overall, he had a very strongly build body. Large hands with veins popping out of them can be seen easily. His eyes had a hazel brown shade, which he hated yet loved the most.

It reminded him of someone whenever he looked into the mirror.

He entered his own dorm, making a beeline towards the round royal table. A photo can be seen placing there. Jungkook held the photo up to his eyes level as he stared lovingly at it.

"What happened to you? After all these years, i still couldn't find you." He mumbled sadly. Eyes tearing up as one rolled down his cheek.

It was a picture of a boy, smiling happily at the cat while he sat peacefully on the green fresh grass. His eyes crinkled into a crescent shaped and teeth showing as he held the cat up high. 

'I missed you. So so much.'

Jungkook came back to his senses after awhile and decided to visit one of the demon he caught. Because after all, he is a demon-hunter fire mage. There must be something connected to about it, the case and Park Jimin. His guts told him and he just knew it.

He quickly placed the old photo back on to the table with a cute little silver jade necklace on it. The necklace was suppose to be given to the boy in the picture by now, but all thanks to fate that didn't let them.

Because, maybe they just weren't meant to be.

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